MissPrissy (or anone else who has built one...) HM Incubator wiring


11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Colorado...but home is Maine
Hi there!! I am trying the bread box incubator. Yay!! I got this far and now I am stumped. I have read your instructions...printed out and have em handy. I have read the instructions that came with the lamp kit...

Here's how far I am...


and now I am stuck. My lamp kit only has two wires. Am I understanding that I have to cut the wires shorter and use some of that for the third wire?? So confused... Can someone describe or show how to go from here??

I'd really like to get this puppy up and runnin.
Someone had posted this in one of the HM incubator threads and I saved it... follow this...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

You've got eggs coming soon... it's a good thing you're testing it out now!


I got hova bater testing right now. Got it from craigs list, so far it's working well, tweaking the temps some. But it has an awful crack in the shell, so that might be why. DH took it to work to see is some of his stuff will seal the crack. I might have to use it for parts...(we tested it and I think I might have some faulty wiring in it, and we noticed some otherproblems) I might have found one to replace it, depends on if i can get money together for one another craigslister has offered me. Cross your fingers that I can get it!! The lady who has it sounds real nice, so I hope we can works something out.

But in the mean time i needed to get this one up and running as a plan B.

Im so excited!!!

oh, and let me know when you send them out so i can tell my mail man. He said he'd bring my eggs to me before he starts his route if he knows to watch for them.​
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They're shipping Monday, so you should have them Thursday. I'll send you tracking info...
Lucky... I have to go pick up mine no matter what.

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