Source of this information? I'm very interested in links to sources and materials stating this fact that all 3 must be used in conjunction with one another.
Look forward to a prompt response with that information. Thanks!

@fenrir12 can you please post photos of the product you have? The label.

Where are you located in the world?

I'm not familiar with these products. If you can find a Permethrin based poultry spray or dust, this will take care of lice on poultry.

Ivermectin is fairly effective in treating mites since, but is usually not necessary for treating lice when you can sufficiently treat lice with Permethrin and cleaning out the poultry housing and treating it. Repeat in 7 day intervals.
My bad, Elko Vetrinary Clinic
One shouldn’t need to use ivermectin, Elector PSP, and permethrin together to get rid of mites. The latter 2 work well, and the ivermectin has worked in the past. It may have developed some resistance due to overuse, but I cannot say for sure. Anyway, each of those should do the trick. Usually treatment may require application every 7 days when new mites hatch from eggs, until no more are found. Getting rid of mites may take a lot of other work, such as possibly pressure washing the coop and roosts. All bedding from coop and nests should be removed far away or burned. Any use of straw or hay may be a way of introducing mites, since they can hide inside it. I have never treated mites, but I hear they are horrible to deal with.

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