mite re infestation prevention

heeler dog

11 Years
Sep 17, 2008
Hello I use De but my chickens still got mites. Kept coop clean too. They are happiest when free ranging, but I do have wild turkey's that roam through at times. Do I have to keep them locked up? They hate it....

My roosters free range and I have wild turkeys in the same area, but I haven't noticed any mites on my birds yet. I keep a cat litterbox full of wood ashes in my coop for them to dust bath in.
They dust all the time and have a few dust spots they like.
I sprinkle De around the areas they favor, in coop and even do a white wash. I did not use the ashes, but can mix it with the de in the dust areas. I just don't want these mites again.

Hi everyone

I am a new owner of chickens and I wanted to tell you about a product called "Kleen Green" It's a natural Enzyme that kills all types of mites including Northern and poultry. I just ordered the product for my self. The woman I talked to says she uses it in her coop and loves it. here is the link.

Has anyone one else ever heard of it or used it. I am all for natural products. There is alot of information when you get to the home page just scroll down.

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