mites and lice


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
I was holding one my chickens earlier and noticed that she had tiny white bugs crawling on her. is it mites or lice and how in the world do i get rid of them! Its making me itch just thinking about it lol! Also, can they get on humans??? please say they dont
You cannot get chicken lice. They are species specific, so you can stop itching now.

You can try the DE if you can find food grade DE anywhere. If not, you can use Sevin 5, which you can get at any garden store. Just pour a small amount inside an old pantyhose and pat ALL your chickens down with it under their wings and around their vents. It doesn't take much. Check them again in 7-10 days. If you use Sevin I'd recommend not eating their eggs for at least two weeks after you treat them, just to be on the safe side.
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I have found DE earth locally, it says pet approved but not anything about human. Do you think it is safe. I use a poultry powder on them and they acted poisoned eyes swollen weak, I washed it off , they still have mites.

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