mites, mites, mites

Two days ago I found one pullet dead. Looking her over I found mites on her hind quarters.
On the cure,I'd rather go natural but I know seven dust is good for pests.
Here's my dilemma , I have bees and do not want to harm them. I try not to use pesticides because of that.
Do you think its okay to use it around their pen?

Search for information on wettable sulfur. Sulfur powder to apply on yard especially around wood piles.
I use ivermectin . The mite eggs are no problem. The hens usually rub them off in the dust bath. If you use the ivermectin pour on type they say the hen eggs are not affected. I use the 40% for sheep and use 1/4 cc for bantams and 1/5 cc on hens. You have to be sure to get it on the skin not the feathers. OH! wear gloves. It is easily absorbed into your skin. Oh they even use this stuff in a different way to kill worms in humans.
This is that time of yr. I just used it on mine today. I noticed they were preening spastically. I find that a spring worming and Ivermectin followup keeps them worm and mite free until fall.
are there any photos of mites or lice. My hen has major infestation of ???? looks like little flesh colored things crawling on her butt... I covered most of her butt area in Castor Oil and boy the feathers are just falling out..poor thing. I have her in a dog carrier 2 days now. What the heck is it? I will tomorrow bathe her in Dawn in the sink and blow dry I guess? She's a mess and reddened and sore looking. I put in around the vent area. Now I figure the others may too and will try to capture to inspect tomorrow. Creepy little crawlers. I can't find a picture anywhere and the feathers had clusters of grey looking matter, like the feathers mites eggs??? sorry, I don't have a way of taking a picture.
take your chickens out of the pen and put them in a temporary pen (they will have to be in there for around 2-3 weeks so make it sturdy) with a easily cleanable shelter and then spray their bedding and coop with diesel and spread cedar shavings. While they are in the temporary pen sprinkle them, the shelter, and the ground with seven dust and that will get rid of them .I once bought a small flock of bantams not realizing they were infested and turned them loose with my very large flock of chickens and i was scared to tears when i seen their backs.Another tip ALWAYS check chickens and chicks thoroughly before buying and keep them in quarantine for at least two weeks no matter who you buy from.
hope this helps !
This is a good article on mite/lice identification.

I bought a used coop in September, and it was infested with red poultry mites. They live (hide) in the coop and only come out at night to feed on the chickens. I didn't put chickens in until I was pretty sure they were all gone. No guarantees of course, but so far so good. If anyone wants to know, I can tell you what I did to get rid of them.

But it sounds like your chickens might have poultry lice?

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