mites, mites, mites

i have had red mite in my samll coop before and before pressure washing it out i kept applying total mite kill powder from nettex to the hens and it worked, i then moved them to my big coop and havent seen any for a couple of months now.
This is it
take your chickens out of the pen and put them in a temporary pen (they will have to be in there for around 2-3 weeks so make it sturdy) with a easily cleanable shelter and then spray their bedding and coop with diesel and spread cedar shavings. While they are in the temporary pen sprinkle them, the shelter, and the ground with seven dust and that will get rid of them .I once bought a small flock of bantams not realizing they were infested and turned them loose with my very large flock of chickens and i was scared to tears when i seen their backs.Another tip ALWAYS check chickens and chicks thoroughly before buying and keep them in quarantine for at least two weeks no matter who you buy from.
hope this helps !
Thank you...sprayed the pen, dried it out, pulled out all the bedding...oiled up one other hen, but I don't have anywhere else to put them, so I will do it again next week to stay on it. Only 5 hens in this area, so not to hard to do. Poor girls, look like a turkey ready for cooking with their bald butts!
Sorry if this has been covered before but how do you get rid of the mite egg clusters on the feathers?
Sevin dust...hold the bird down (at night is best & wear a dust mask on your face) and dust the bird...rub it in all over them, and repeat on every bird in the coop & do repeat in 6-7 days in cold temps, or 3-4 days in hot days.
GOOP : a tub of Crisco or lard on roosts, I add 3 T of NEEM oil, and 2 T of "Melafix" tea tree oil. in a double boiler, & once cooled, glove up & goop all roosts, ladders & perches.
This "Roost Rub" is also excellent for sore bird feet or scaley leg mites, just rub it in as best you can under the raised scales.
I also load the hudson sprayer with NEEM oil per the directions AND sevin and totally cover the walls, ceiling, nest boxes & you name, every so many days as I said above.
For 3-4 doses. Each dose is the days of separation from one dose to the next, in November, I go 6 days, so every 6 days I do this method.

Never stop watching your birds if they are figety...picking at themselves...never stop grabbing a bird & turning them over to look for bugs.
Make it a habit to go out in your coops at night weekly, and flip a few over & see what is going on at night~~~
you may be very surprised.
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You know what NEEM Oil is, and the reason it works good with the Sevin is that it is an oil, which smothers the mites,
"Melafix" was easy to find, pure tea tree oil we use(d) for our koi that had fungal issues. This tea tree oil is extremely concentrated.
Don't go buy tea tree oil for humans, you'll pay an arm & a leg for a tiny flask !

I use this:

This product has been available in Pet shops & walmart tropical fish departments...hopefully it still is available today.
For the fellow who asked, sevin dust is extremely toxic to bees, and there is growing proof that its widespread usage is heavily contributing to bee loss. I live in an agricultural area that should be swarming with honeybees in the warm months, but in the past several years I've been having to artificially pollinate my squash vines, and my fruit trees and blackberry vines are producing a fraction of what they should. The blackberries are all partially bulbed, a good sign of insufficient pollination.

I won't tell others what to do, but I have my own opinion of the stuff and I won't use it.
Olive oil. I had two chickens get mites (luckily they were separated from my other chickens at the time because I was trying to breed them) and I washed them, trimmed the feathers around the vents then sprayed olive oil around their vents twice a day for two weeks. Cleared it right up! and the funny thing is I had treated them with the mite powder from the feed store twice and this was the thing that worked. What you need to do is keep them away from the vent.

I had them in a plastic cage to I just burned the bedding and dusted the cage with diatomaceous earth.

Death to mites!

ETA: I'm not sure what my birds had, but they were super tiny black bugs clustered around their vents in huge numbers.
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Hey here!!! My turken HAD mites and I powdered her with special mite powder. The mites looked like little oval shaped yellow almost see though and a head. And looked like 6 legs? It was bad. After I powdered her, the mites were gone but I noticed some little white bumps at the roots of almost all her feathers??? I thought I saw online that those are eggs?!?! If so are they dead after I powdered her and killed all the adult mites??? Or should I wait til they hatch and then powder her again?? Thanks for anyone who helps out!!! Also, can someone post a picture of the eggs? If they are eggs so I can see for myself? :) thanks!!!!
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