mites, mites, mites

Question...if you had mites or lice what do you do with the straw etc you clean out of the coop? I'm guessing it can't be left in a mulch pile... so burn it? Bag it?if bagged in black plastic would the heat of it breaking down kill all the mites eventually Like over a summer?
I agree..straw can and will harbour mites...I remove and burn all bedding..the problem with composting is that the mites will continue reproducing and my chickens will often go walkabouts to the compost heap and it is quite some distance from their coop..I use hay for bedding ...only because we harvest a huge amount here and so it costs us nothing...hay is easily burned...well away from any area accessible to my chickens...
Check out dusting with Diatomaceous earth. You might have already heard of it or used it .
If not, you can get it at some feed stores . Buy the " food grade " quality.
Its safe for animals and humans , but kills insects.
Believe it or not I even mix with water and drink it from time to time.
Why would you mix it with water and drink it?

Because DE is a cure-all for everything, didnt you know that?
I tried everything mentioned thus far with NO luck when I found mites in my flock a coutlet years ago. What finally worked and completely ended my mite problem was Frontline Plus. I got the off brand at Costco and put a few drops on each hen and rooster. I was so freaked out that we had tried all kinds of toxic chemicals on the roosts, floors, nest boxes, the ground around the coop, our yard, house, and everything possible. It was crazy, but we got rid of them. The only thing that got them off the hens was the Frontline in each bird. I apply it ever 6 Mos or so to make sure I never get them again. So far we haven't and it's been 2 yrs.

How much did you use on each chicken?

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