mites, mites, mites

I put a drop at base of neck and a drop above the vent. I just had to do this last week (my DH did it for me). He had noticed egg production had plummeted and I told him to check for mites. He brought one of my orpingtons for me to check, and sure enough, I saw a few. He took off work the next day and treated them all. This week eggs are up from a low of 2 to 20! It really does affect them negatively. He also treated all their housing, perches, nest boxes, changed their litter and treated the sand on the floors. I think you have to do it all in order for it to be most effective....

I put a drop at base of neck and a drop above the vent. I just had to do this last week (my DH did it for me). He had noticed egg production had plummeted and I told him to check for mites. He brought one of my orpingtons for me to check, and sure enough, I saw a few. He took off work the next day and treated them all. This week eggs are up from a low of 2 to 20! It really does affect them negatively. He also treated all their housing, perches, nest boxes, changed their litter and treated the sand on the floors. I think you have to do it all in order for it to be most effective....


I priced it at cost-co and 6 doses is 70$. I went to Pet Co and found this
Peppermint oil 0.30%, Eugenol (clove extract) 0.70%, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 2.7%, Inert ingredients*: 96.3%. *water, sodium benzoate.
I can spray it right on the hens. I think I want to try this, they also make a yard spray. Vet's Best Flea & Tick Yard & Kennel Spray.
Diatamaceous earth is not useless and is not a waste. I use it to worm my horses, calves, steers...
I have put it on the dogs when client dogs have brought fleas into my home.

I have used it on the calves when I suspect they have some type of skin mite from the straw bedding.

I use it on the garden for pest control.

I have used it to dust the chickens with when I find buggies on them. Yes the mites or lice have shown up again...but they have also showed up after using Sevin.

From what I have read it is almost impossible to have a hen house full of chickens and not have mites or lice.
6 doses would treat probably a hundred or more chickens. All you do is put a drop at base of neck and drop above the vent.

Good luck with the herbal stuff. Nothing worked to eradicate all the mites except the Frontline. I tried soooo many different things.

I had put bags and bags of diatomaceous earth out with no luck at all. Also, DE can be very dangerous to feed to horses and other livestock because if they inhale it, it can damage the insides of their airway passages and lungs. I have never found a veterinarian who would guarantee it for removing all types of parasites (internal and/or external).

In livestock, there is no need to deworm if they do not have parasites. The simplest way to avoid overuse of chemicals is to do a stool sample and deworm for only the worms that they are carrying (if any). We have 16 horses and only deworm those who occasionally pick up parasites. You will find that you have particular horses who carry heavier loads than others. We use a chemical that will eliminate the particular type of parasite they have.
6 doses would treat probably a hundred or more chickens. All you do is put a drop at base of neck and drop above the vent.

Good luck with the herbal stuff. Nothing worked to eradicate all the mites except the Frontline. I tried soooo many different things.

I had put bags and bags of diatomaceous earth out with no luck at all. Also, DE can be very dangerous to feed to horses and other livestock because if they inhale it, it can damage the insides of their airway passages and lungs. I have never found a veterinarian who would guarantee it for removing all types of parasites (internal and/or external).

In livestock, there is no need to deworm if they do not have parasites. The simplest way to avoid overuse of chemicals is to do a stool sample and deworm for only the worms that they are carrying (if any). We have 16 horses and only deworm those who occasionally pick up parasites. You will find that you have particular horses who carry heavier loads than others. We use a chemical that will eliminate the particular type of parasite they have.

I buy Food grade DE, I have used it for years for our dog. I put it all around the coop and dust the hens with it.
Viva... I dusted a couple of hens recently with DE...a couple more with Sevin...figured when the weather warms up I could do the rest of the flock ...clean the hen house and dust the floor and roosts.

This morning when I went out to do chores I couldnt help but notice a couple of hens had lost a tremendous amount of feathers overnight.

I put drops of ivomec on the hens... dusted their rears and dusted the roosts.

If I dont kill the lice I could certainly kill the chickens.

When you dust the DE in the hen house do you only do it when the chicken house is cleaned out? Or do your often sprinkle it over the existing litter? With the frigid temps here I didnt want to clean out the hen house today, but I also did not want to do nothing
Yesterday I put drops of eprinex on the chickens... dusted them with a couple of the hens are even more naked.
I didnt check for bugs today...but did put more DE on one of the hens that has lost lots of feathers on the back of her neck and rear end. I did not see any bugs on her.

What can I do?

When we burn some branches this spring I am going to save buckets of ashes.
How many drops did you put on each hen? How much do your hens weigh?
I am guessing my hens weigh around 7 pounds. Red Stars, Copper Marans and Americaunas

I put 2 drops on the vent, two under each wing and another 2 on the back of the neck.

Pretty sure I ended up putting more than just 2, but not less.
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