Mites or Lice?


May 6, 2017

Mites? Lice? Any idea what it is?

I have two coops. I thought my laying hens might have mites due to some suddenly missing feathers at the base of the tail (no rooster). However, looking them over I couldn’t directly see any issues other than the missing feathers. I figured I would check the bantams too just in case. The photo is what I got with a damp paper towel on the vent area of one of my bantams.

I’m trying to figure out what it is so I can figure out how to treat it. The photo is with a macro lens using my cell phone. It’s small enough that I wasn’t sure it was even a bug before zooming in on it.

I want to treat in an effective way but the least nasty chemicals necessary. I am going to have to empty out all my bedding and clean everything, aren’t I? I really don’t want to do that in the middle of winter if I can help it, but I want them gone.

The birds are in their own coops, but they are connected by a storage room and all birds wander in there when I’m doing chores. I can double check the larger hens, but should I assume that everyone has whatever this little bug is?

I can call my vet in the morning for advice, but I thought I’d see what you folks thought too. Thanks!
I use a pyrethrin or permethrin based poultry dust. I dust birds, I clean out nestboxes and dust the floor before adding fresh bedding, and I dust roosts cracks. I believe lice stay on the host where mites go on the bird to feed and live in the coop. Generally if you got one you got both so I would treat for both.

I've only had lice once on a broody silkie. I would check for nit clusters at the base of the feathers on birds especially around the vent.
No, not really. But, again, I couldn’t even tell this was a bug until I zoomed in on it. I tried looking around the vents and ar the base of the tail. I couldn’t really see anything, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything there.

Okay, is it the same treatment for both or do I need to use more than one thing? Can I get it at the feed store, Tractor Supply, etc or do I need something from the vet? I assume it would have egg withdrawal info on the packaging?
You can get it at the Tractor supply. The product treats both. I treat every week for 3-4 weeks. No egg withdrawal. I do wash my eggs quickly under hot running water.
You can get it at the Tractor supply. The product treats both. I treat every week for 3-4 weeks. No egg withdrawal. I do wash my eggs quickly under hot running water.

Okay thanks. I guess I need to grab another 3-4 bales of shavings. I should be able to start treatment of the birds tomorrow, but the coop will have to wait until Sunday when my husband is home and can run the tractor to move the bedding. Each coop is at least 10’x6’ and has at least 6” of bedding. I will admit I’m not looking forward to emptying it out.

What about the run? It is dirt with a variety of shavings, leaves, straw, etc on top (somewhat composted and mostly frozen). I can’t empty it, but do I dust that too?

I am going to redo my dust bath area to try to encourage them to use it (they’ve mostly been randomly making a spot in the shavings, etc).
With lice I believe you should be okay just treating the birds. You could use the spray to treat the environment without cleaning it out.

Here's some decent information on it. The only I would do is disregard the part about DE. Although it may help it is also a respiratory irritant to both birds and humans. I personally would never use it.
Looks like poultry lice
Do you see small egg clusters on the feathers near the skin?

No, not really. But, again, I couldn’t even tell this was a bug until I zoomed in on it. I tried looking around the vents and ar the base of the tail. I couldn’t really see anything, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything there.

I use a pyrethrin or permethrin based poultry dust. I dust birds, I clean out nestboxes and dust the floor before adding fresh bedding, and I dust roosts cracks. I believe lice stay on the host where mites go on the bird to feed and live in the coop. Generally if you got one you got both so I would treat for both.

Okay, is it the same treatment for both or do I need to use more than one thing? Can I get it at the feed store, Tractor Supply, etc or do I need something from the vet? I assume it would have egg withdrawal info on the packaging?
yes, DE will control pests, but it IS just nasty when air borne. might work outdoors in the run, but don't get downwind of it! makes the lungs hurt for weeks!

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