Mites. Want to do full coop cleaning but situation not favorable.


Aug 22, 2022
So we sold 2 goslings today that were hatched by a broody hen and the person mentioned there was mites in the straw. Last week I checked most of the birds for mites and didn't see anything that looked like the pictures I've seen. My mom is saying to treat the coop with DE but personally I don't see the point if were leaving the straw in there. Tonight the temp is going to be 49. If I rake out all the straw. Our coop is metal sheds and concrete floor and wood branch roosts can I hose it all down and then do an application of DE to sit over night on everything and then hose it down again tomorrow?

Or will the moisture be to much with the night temp drop for the birds to sleep in there? We have outdoor roosts as well if they want to sleep outside I can overlook it for tonight if it means getting rid of the pests.

I would prefer not to leave DE to sit for a long period since I heard its not good for their breathing or my own. Also thinking of maybe mixing some essential oils to spray on things. Maybe them as well. I'll be covering the run ground with DE as well especially in their dust bathing holes.
I would prefer not to leave DE to sit for a long period since I heard its not good for their breathing or my own.
Consider using something permethrin based.. powder or it comes in spray form.

I prefer the spray application. Sold as horse fly and perimeter treatment under different names (Martin's) and different concentrations from ready to use or must dilute in another container.

Labeled as afe for use on poultry including juveniles and layers with NO egg withdrawal required.. when used according to directions.

Our coop is metal sheds and concrete floor and wood branch roosts can I hose it all down and then do an application of DE to sit over night on everything and then hose it down again tomorrow?
DE will only work (if it does) under dry conditions.. water (and high humidity like my location) renders it useless and it usually states that on the package.

It may begin to work again as intended.. once it dries out.

I would prefer not to leave DE to sit for a long period since I heard its not good for their breathing or my own. Also thinking of maybe mixing some essential oils to spray on things. Maybe them as well. I'll be covering the run ground with DE as well especially in their dust bathing holes.

I recommend against DE on the birds or in the dust bathing holes, you'll both be breathing it every time they shake out.. *maybe* something like a little wood ash or peat moss..

With over 2500 species of mites in existence.. according to my current understanding.. there are only a few that feed on chickens.. I'm sure they can be transmitted via hay.. but it's not usually where they would live as most (with exception to roost mites) live on the birds (depluming mites are inside the feather shaft and will not be seen). Not a perfect link.. but some basic information..
Consider using something permethrin based.. powder or it comes in spray form.

I prefer the spray application. Sold as horse fly and perimeter treatment under different names (Martin's) and different concentrations from ready to use or must dilute in another container.

Labeled as afe for use on poultry including juveniles and layers with NO egg withdrawal required.. when used according to directions.

DE will only work (if it does) under dry conditions.. water (and high humidity like my location) renders it useless and it usually states that on the package.

It may begin to work again as intended.. once it dries out.

I recommend against DE on the birds or in the dust bathing holes, you'll both be breathing it every time they shake out.. *maybe* something like a little wood ash or peat moss..

With over 2500 species of mites in existence.. according to my current understanding.. there are only a few that feed on chickens.. I'm sure they can be transmitted via hay.. but it's not usually where they would live as most (with exception to roost mites) live on the birds (depluming mites are inside the feather shaft and will not be seen). Not a perfect link.. but some basic information..
Their run is all sand and dirt. And yeah its pretty wet here currently. We had some pretty good rain.

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