Mites! Yuck!

it took meet forever to finally rid mine of mites!!! They came infested. like yours. what I finally had to use. is controversial but worked well without any issues. I used one part iveimectin to three parts water and painted with a all brush the back, under each wing,around the bottom. before iveimectin I had tried all the powders they didn't work for me. I hope you have better luck than I did with them.mine were northern foul wishes
I finally went to the Ivermectin diluted to the recommended dose.
That worked better than any other treatment I had used. I lost a girl
to those things. They sucked the blood right out of her. AND I thought I
was on top of it.
Finally, we moved the coop, took down all of the 40 feet of bushes where the sparrows
lived, bought a live trap for the sparrows, caught them and released way
Is it a liquid? I believe I saw that at Tractor Supply. It's over an hour and a half away so I won't be able to get there until next week probably, but I will go pick some up. How much do you dilute it?

Thanks so much!
Is it a liquid? I believe I saw that at Tractor Supply. It's over an hour and a half away so I won't be able to get there until next week probably, but I will go pick some up. How much do you dilute it?

Thanks so much!

Which are you asking about? Poultry Protector is a liquid and you spray it directly on to the bird. Get the wing pits and around the vent. I also try to get it at the base of the tail since they put their face near it a lot to get some to cover their face. Ivermectin is also a liquid. You would really want to dilute it if you're giving it orally.
Quote:Originally Posted by CluckznDuckz

I meant the Ivermectin, but she said the dose right in her post. Oops. lol

I wanted to look into both next time I'm at Tractor Supply.

I am so sorry not ivermectin but Atroban

Northern fowl mites
1 pt to 25 gals water (3 tbsp/2.5 gals)
1 qt to 50 gals water (6 tbsp/5 gals)
1 gal of coarse spray per 100 birds, paying par
ticular attention to vent area.

Fly Control Fly Control Concentrates
Atroban 11% EC Insecticidal Spray Concentrate

by Merck
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  • 11717_S_vvs_000.jpg
  • 11717_S_vvs_000.jpg

Contains permethrin. Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises. Makes up to 50 gallons of spray. Cattle rub: mix 1 pint per 10 gallons diesel.
11717 16 oz $21.95
This Atroban is the stuff that got rid of them.
I also had the Ivermectin it didn't work for me
the girls still had them.
They were very infested.
For a couple of years I was continually giving
the baths to soak off the scabbing and getting rid of the mites.
I am so sorry not ivermectin but Atroban POULTRY Northern fowl mites Sprayer 1 pt to 25 gals water (3 tbsp/2.5 gals) OR 1 qt to 50 gals water (6 tbsp/5 gals) 1 gal of coarse spray per 100 birds, paying particular attention to vent area.
[COLOR=2581BB]Fly Control [COLOR=2581BB]Fly Control Concentrates[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Atroban 11% EC Insecticidal Spray Concentrate

[COLOR=696D76]by Merck[/COLOR]
Read Reviews | Write a review
  • 11717_S_vvs_000.jpg
  • 11717_S_vvs_000.jpg
  • 11717_S_vvs_000.jpg

Contains permethrin. Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises. Makes up to 50 gallons of spray. Cattle rub: mix 1 pint per 10 gallons diesel.
11717 16 oz $21.95
I will look into that. Thanks so much! I think I'll also get the Poultry Protector because I can use that inside the coops.

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