Dec 28, 2011 #1 allmychickens Just'a small town girl 8 Years Aug 4, 2011 2,038 47 196 Washington show me your mixed breed bantam
Dec 28, 2011 #2 Luke0987654321 Crowing 15 Years Aug 10, 2009 723 18 281 mixed bantam rooster. silkie/old english banty mix roo. rescue banty mix (probably some oegb in her) above hen's daughter silkied serama / silkie (R.I.P) silkie/mixed oegb (daughter of the rescue hen) 4
mixed bantam rooster. silkie/old english banty mix roo. rescue banty mix (probably some oegb in her) above hen's daughter silkied serama / silkie (R.I.P) silkie/mixed oegb (daughter of the rescue hen) 4
Dec 28, 2011 #3 CrestedGirl Polish Obsessed 8 Years Mar 7, 2011 2,096 23 161 Fort Worth, Tx Mixed bantam pullet
Dec 28, 2011 Thread starter #5 allmychickens Just'a small town girl 8 Years Aug 4, 2011 2,038 47 196 Washington mixed bantam rooster. silkie/old english banty mix roo. rescue banty mix (probably some oegb in her) above hen's daughter LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
mixed bantam rooster. silkie/old english banty mix roo. rescue banty mix (probably some oegb in her) above hen's daughter LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
Dec 28, 2011 #6 Luke0987654321 Crowing 15 Years Aug 10, 2009 723 18 281 Quote: LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! thanks, i have so many generations of them i keep forgeting who is related to who :S so i have to get old pics out and try to remember who was with who in what pen at what time of the year....
Quote: LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! thanks, i have so many generations of them i keep forgeting who is related to who :S so i have to get old pics out and try to remember who was with who in what pen at what time of the year....