Mixed Breeds Showcase


These are my six adults. The one on the far right is probably a pure BO. The other Buff hens are BO/EE. The two dark hens are BO/Ancona, the one in the back being a really prolific layer who isn’t phased out of production by anything.
I like your mixes! I don't have Ancona but have been thinking about getting some. Do your BO/Ancona cross have any of the same "sentry duty" obligations that Ancona are know for? I like your poofy-cheeked BO crosses, too. I am surprised how much buff color came through on all of your BO/EE crosses.
The Ancona crosses are much more nervous and skittish than the others, for sure. They are the most vigilant and the first to run for safety. The lighter of them is actually called Prudence, and her name says all it’s supposed to about her caution with all things. Their caution does extend to us, too, so they aren’t birds who are easily handled like the others. There is a reason they are not crowding toward me, even for treats!

The EEs that laid the eggs I hatched for these ladies were all Buff also. Mated to a Buff rooster, that must be why the Buff predominates. It’s the most prevalent color in my flock among all my mixes.

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