Mixed flock question


Jul 21, 2015
OK. So, the coop is almost finished and now we have to start thinking about getting chickens! There are not many places local to me that are selling anything but production birds. We want chickens that will continue to lay past two years. I have found someone with two day old chicks and he has a variety. He has: Isa Brown, Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red and Buff Orpington. I have ruled out the Isa Browns since they are more of a production bird and I don't know what their long term laying abilities are. We are only going to have five birds and were thinking of getting a mix of the rest. My one question is will the the Buff Orpington get picked on by the others? Or will it be fine.

Not quite sure how I would mix it. 2 Australorp, 2 Rhode Islands, 1 Buff. Or 1 Australorp, 2 Rhode Islands, 2 Buff.

Any suggestions? I know it probably doesn't much matter. Just looking for opinions. He has some two month old Polish/Silky mixes as well. I like the idea of them but just don't think they will give us the eggs we want. I really wish I could find some Copper Maran's and some Silver Laced Wyandottes but this time of the year just isn't great for variety.

All breeds except gamefowl and some small bantams can be mixed. Avoid too many Rhode Island Reds - they can have very bratty attitudes and it gets worse the more you add. The Buff will not be picked on unless it is naturally a very submissive or small bird, which can happen in any breed.

Production birds like hybrids and Leghorns have about the same drop off as lower production birds like Rocks or Orps, they just have it at 2-3 years rather than 3-4. You will see a drop from 5-6 eggs per week to around 2-4 in high production fowl, and a drop from 4-5 to 2-3 in heritage breeds. It's really not a massive difference between the two forms.

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