Mixed gender and age flock feed question


Apr 9, 2020
Wildwood, Missouri
I have 2 flocks. One group is 12 pullets 17-18 weeks with some acting like they are about to lay. The other group is 8 ( including 1 cockerel) 10week olds.

Right now, everyone is still on starter/grower. I'm wanting to start changing over to big girl feed, but don't want to have multiple feeders and storage containers. I was thinking about all flock and have oyster shells out separately.

Thoughts? Brand recommendations?
We have a similar situation with different ages. I don't see a point to separate feeders because they will eat from whatever one they want anyway. We are doing starter/grower until the littlest ones start to lay. Offering oyster shells freely for the older hens.
So you are keeping your older girls on starter/grower until all can switch?

I know my bag of starter/grower is medicated. I will need to switch to unmedicated due to girls becoming layers, correct?
So you are keeping your older girls on starter/grower until all can switch?

I know my bag of starter/grower is medicated. I will need to switch to unmedicated due to girls becoming layers, correct?
Yes all are on grower, even the layers. They can get extra calcium from the oyster shells as their body needs. Having them all on starter/grower won't kill any of them. But having them all on layer feed too early could be fatal to ones that are too little to handle the calcium. As for the medicated vs. non medicated I'm not sure. You can do an All Flock feed, but I'd use up any chick feed before getting anything else.
We are going through this also. We got flock raiser and are offering oyster shell free choice. 🤷‍♀️ mixing with their current feed to ease transition. Didnt know whether to go with flock raiser or all flock or if one was better than the other. Just hoping my girls like it and start laying soon and dont have shell issues.
You can eat the eggs if the active ingredient is Amprolium in the Starter-Grower feed.
From Nutrena.

I feed Medicated for 10 weeks then switch to a Non-Medicated Starter-Grower or a All-Flock crumble.
Whichever is cheaper or available when I'm at TSC.

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