mixing 8 weeks with 2 weeks??


5 Years
May 12, 2014
So we went to tractor supply and their chicks where totally disorganized but we were able to get 6 chicks... 3 reds and 3 Plymouth rocks. the Plymouth rocks were a straight run and we ended up with 2 roo's. We want to get a couple more hens but there will obviously be an age difference. Do I need to keep the new chicks in a brooder again or can I just ad them to the flock that have been outside for about a week? thank you for any advice you have to offer.
Are the older chicks 8 weeks and the younger ones 2 weeks? If so, yes, the 2 week olds will probably still need heat. I wouldn't recommend mixing chicks with that big of an age difference.
If you mix them too soon, without a mother hen to protect them, the little ones will get picked on and possibly seriously injured. Best to keep them apart.
I thought that might be the case at what age would be good to mix them. Once the new chicks are fully feathered? Soon is better than later right? Thank u for the replies
4-6 weeks, give or take. They need to be similar in size, or at least big enough to not get completely picked on.

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