Mixing bantams with standards

I had a thread about this the other day. Most people said to wait until they were feathered out. I'm going to have some hatching next weekend and plan to try to put them in with my week+ olds. I'll just watch them for a bit, and if there's and funny business, the older chicks are going to sit in the corner.
Well, TSC solved my dilemma for me. They were already out of chicks when I got there!
I think I'd better wait for my chicks from Mt. Healthy and not complicate my life any more than necessary. DH breathed a sigh of relief as he doesn't have to step up the coop-building plans.
It is not nice to the bantam hens to keep them with standard roos.

But, while chicks, mine had no problem being together. All of my standards are hens, and they are probably up high in the pecking order, but not rough with the others.

I know someone who keeps all together: standards, bantams, hens and roos. She looses the hens for some reason, and there fore has a regular increase in the percentage of roos.
my hubby wont build me a coop. heck he cant put furniture together, but he can lead his soldiers in Kosovo without loosing one go figure.
I will keep mine together since they are already in the bator together. but i will keep an eye on them, just in case.

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