Mixing Call Ducks with Khaki Campbells

It's Muscovy*

And I really don't recommend letting calls free range it's better to get them an aviary and if they do have to free range at least have enough cover to hide

Thank you for correcting me. I do believe my auto text correct is at fault for this one but thank you anyways, someone may have gotten confused. Thank you for your response. Calls are more delicate when it comes to free ranging however I have personally for our area had much greater success over the years keeping my Calls free ranging and in full flight. The only loss that I have had was with the first female some years ago, though I may have made it sound more recent. They do have plenty of places to hide but unfortunately she was not fast enough and had to have that last swim even though the rest of her flock was warning her.With that said if you do not have the sufficent space and you just have to have ducks then an aviary I agree is better. For me if I can not free range my water fowl than I will no longer keep them because I DO NOT like keeping them in avairies. The reason I did not suggest them in my post is because the average person going out and buying ducks of any type are not going to take the nessessary steps that are required to keep water fowl healthy in an aviary. They must be kept extremely clean so as not to produce disease, they must have running water pools or at the very least have their pools changed twice a day to prevent problems. People just do not think about the work that is required to produce healthy birds and when they get tired of doing it then they will slack off on the work and you have sickly and unhappy birds. The first pair of Calls I bought I got for the simple reason that they were in one of these nasty avairies. They spent months in my quarantine pen getting rid of an unbelievable amount of pest and diseases. They had scabs built over their nose holes to the point that they could not breath except out of their mouth. Their feet were full of holes. They were just a mess. Now their beautiful and healthy. I really do thank you for giving another way to raise Calls.
So sorry for you loss :(

Also an aviary is really not that hard to maintain, with healthy plants that absorb the moisture from the ground and enough space without overpopulating the area is perfectly healthy and great for most birds. But i do agree that it takes the space and the work to have an aviary

Also if you install the pools they usually come with pumps and filters that either clean the water or pump it out making for the pool to be an easy task .

A lot of people do have success with free ranging calls just in my case, I knew that if I were to free range them I would lose all of them to the hawks in the area, since mine are about the size of an Archangel pigeon so not big at all.
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One year anniversary of the thread, here is a feed store duck who is a white call x khaki campbell mix.

His name is Brownie.


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