Mixing old and new babies


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
I bought 2 chicks that become about 2 weeks old but one suddenly died yesterday for no reason. I want to get company for the other one so I want to buy 2 baby chicks but I'm afraid it's not gonna accept then because they're younger. Any tips?
Hello and welcome!
You may be able to do it without too much hassle. The survivor has the advantage of 'home turf' so if you bring in a couple of chicks - no older than 6 weeks, they may just get along.
I'm not an expert, but I had a similar thing happen this past spring and it worked ok for me. Hope it turns out well for you,
In my experience, 2 weeks isn't that big of a difference as long as the younger ones are up and moving around on their own. It's even easier when the younger birds outnumber the older ones. Your 2 week old chick will probably be happy to have the company. Keep a close eye on them at first just to be on the safe side though.

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