Mixing quail and chicken

I wouldn’t mix quial and chickens together unless the hens are like 3-4 weeks old and then you remove the quail once they start getting pecked. I had 8 quial in a coop with my 7 chickens and one eventually died from pecking. As for the coryza, I never had any trouble with that
Alright i cant remember how far they should be apart. And im not sure what to treat. But i am sure you could find that out with a search on byc.
I kept my quail in a large outdoor aviary, chickens and ducks walked all around it, never had an issue. Personally I don't think it will be an issue. How long have you had them close to each other? Coryza is a fast killer, and I doubt any problems will arise if they've been close for a while.
The red part is where my man coop is with nesting boxes.
The blue squares are the roof I f 6 foot tall runs they have about 4 feet chicken wire on the top and 2 feet wood on the bottom the on e is connected to the main coop by a wall.
The black isa old 8 foot post with wire and the yellow I s the doors for the wire.
The green I s the space between my two pens.

I plan on wiring off the ren part in half and cutting a hole through my run that is connected so they can use both.
The other half will be for some free range birds. I will fix up th wall surrounding the coop.
I want to put my quail in hutches inside of the second run.

I need any advice on vaccination and anything else for coturnix quail being raised near chickens.

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