Mixture of Chickens - need help with gender


Jun 13, 2016
Our first rooster made himself known and we know we have more in the flock but aren't sure which. (First time chicken people here)

We have a mixture of Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, and a few SLWs.

Any ideas?

I'm pretty positive on the other three, but you might hang on to the black one for a bit longer just in case I'm wrong. Those tail feathers look awfully roo-ish though.

2, 7 and 9 are definite cockerels.

5 and 8 look pullet-ish, but how old are they and can we get comb shots to be sure.
I'll try and upload a few more when I get home tonight. I'm so sad that so many are turning out to be roosters. It's always the pretty ones!

Here is #5... my precious Mcmuffin. If she is a rooster I'll be heartbroken.

The other black chickens like to run away from me so I got only blurry shots. Seeing them together I'm pretty sure I've got 2 roosters and 2 hens.

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