MM Brown Egg Layer Assortment


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
Alfordsville, IN
Who has ordered this assortment before, and what did you get?

I have placed my order for 2/2 for 25 of these assortment and two silver polish, just for fun
(oh and of course the free rare rooster)
When I ordered 2 years ago I got White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Black Australorps,Silver Laced Wyanedots, Black sex links.

They sent a extra Pullet not a Rooster. It was a White Giant.

We ordered a couple of years ago and got a huge variety including...Red & Black Stars, Barred & Partridge Rocks, Columbian Wyandotte, Turken, Dark Cornish, Light Brahma, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds. The free chick was also a pullet but I can't remember what.
You that have gotten pullets as your free rare chick...ARGH! I've ordered from them 5 times and EVERY time it's been an EE rooster.

Cyn...they're PURDY! Now that I'm not breeding...I can go for flare.
Last July I got Red Stars, Black Stars, Barred Rocks, a Turken, RIR and a EE roo for the free rare. I sold all but 7 of them.

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