Mmmmmmm PEPSI Throwback

DH bought some Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback. I had my 1/2 can of Pepsi (that's all I'm allowing myself due to the caffeine) and I couldn't really taste a big difference. Maybe it's because I rarely drink Pepsi...
Got my Throwback Pepsi and it was delicious. Exactly what I had as a young un! Even my 5 year old DD likes it too! None of that heavy syrup taste! Now where can we tell the company to keep that product on the market for us oldies???????? I tried looking in PepsiCo website and all the contact me's were all websited.
I wish I knew! The only grocery store in town has been sold out of it for two weeks!
Closest walgreens I know of about an hour and a half away. In town we have a walmart, a freds and a dollar general. That's it.
Yup the way pepsi should be..

I may not be very old. But I remember the pepsi with sugar.
There is such a big difference. They are still selling it around here. But only in a pack of cans or in the smaller size plastic bottle. Wish they would sell it in the 2liter here.
Please think twice before "supplementing" with fluoride. Fluoride is linked to lowered IQ, cancer, and dental fluorosis (enamel defects), etc. It does not have to be swallowed, it is only useful for teeth as a topical application. It is also no longer considered safe for babies. Most of western Europe has done away with fluoridated water; fluoride in toothpaste is adequate.

Five studies from China show a lowering of IQ in children associated with fluoride exposure (Lin Fa-Fu 1991; Li 1995; Zhao 1996; Lu 2000; and Xiang 2003a, b).

Since 1950, it has been found that fluorides do little to prevent pit and fissure tooth decay, a fact that even the dental community has acknowledged (Seholle 1984; Gray 1987; PHS 1993; and Pinkham 1999). This is significant because pit and fissure tooth decay represents up to 85% of the tooth decay experienced by children today.

There have been numerous recent reports of dental crises in US cities (e.g. Boston, Cincinnati, New York City) which have been fluoridated for over 20 years. There appears to be a far greater (inverse) relationship between tooth decay and income level than with water fluoride levels.

not to be offensive, but I doubt it has anything to do with cancer, lowered iq, or any other defects. The stuff is in tap water, toothpaste and all sorts of stuff. Besides, nursery water probably wouldn't contain enough flouride to do any damage. If the amount in toothpaste is adequate, than the amount in nursery water should be adequate too.

also I think its a waste of man/brain power to be worried about flouride hurting us. There are more important matters like children dieing, poverty, and war.

just my 2 cents

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