MN winter and run covering


Jun 20, 2017
Hi all! Last fall my dad and I built a new coop and 20 ft x 20 ft run. In the run I placed 4 metal fencing posts with tennis balls over the top to hold up the bird netting. During our last MN winter the snow was so heavy the bird netting tore. I fixed it spring time with some zip strips, but for the life of me I can't seem to come up with a better idea for this winter. So I thought I would pick your brains....any ideas? Would chicken wire over the top be better? Maybe with more fence posts???
Netting plus heavy snow is often problematic. Snow accumulation needs to be knocked off before the weight of it tears through or topples the fence. A proper roof really would be the best option, otherwise plan on going out frequently to knock snow off.
We have hardware cloth 100% enclosing our run due to all the predators in our area. We also have part of the run (near the opening of the coop) covered with leftover tin roofing pieces from our garage build. We plan to knock down snow when needed from the roof of the run
Pretty hard to knock snow thru 1/2" HC.....can be tough here with 2x4.
Roof Rake!
Hope you can reach it....practice now.

We do plan to use a rake/hoe to push or pull it off vs knock it through. The way we built the run, the part that will need it is lower than the part that is covered so it's actually at my husband's reach height. I don't think it'll be an issue but we'll see
I have a 1600sf run that's covered with 2x2in bird netting & live in CT. I just go out & knock the snow off when it needs it, it's a pain for sure but I work from home so it's not a big deal. If it's going to snow really bad or I'm not home I lock them in the small run (with metal roof) in case the bird netting comes down. I just grab the net & shake, or I go out with a wide broom, depending on the type of snow & how easily it shakes off.

We have poles that hold up the netting & help quite a bit, you can see in the pic. When the snow comes we'll add more poles.

Ice is the worst, much harder to knock off. A covered run is for sure a lot easier!

Got pics?
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I kept forgetting to grab my cell when I went down to the coop. Here are some pics.


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Netting plus heavy snow is often problematic. Snow accumulation needs to be knocked off before the weight of it tears through or topples the fence. A proper roof really would be the best option, otherwise plan on going out frequently to knock snow off.
Unfortunately, I'm not the handiest person and neither is my hubby, so not sure building a roof is an option. It busted last year when we were away on a snowmobile trip, so I couldn't really knock off the snow.

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