Mob behavior? Do I have a problem???


9 Years
Aug 25, 2010
So I have a bunch of Serama chicks brooding it up in my attic. (I'll start there lol)

Twice today I've had to run upstairs because I can hear a commotion and a bird sort of screaming..and twice I've found the group of 1 month +birds (13) all chasing around a SINGLE white pullet. I see them grabbing at her too, and she's running around, and even flew to my shoulder to escape her hatch mates.

Are they trying to cull her?? Or is this normal and this chick happens to $%^* the loudest when they're working on pecking order? She looks healthy! She doesn't feel underweight, is not bleeding and is not even the smallest bird in there. What should I do? I have her outside in the office with me right now, which is a VERY short term solution. Its been my experience that the female chicks will peep the loudest when away from the other chicks, but she's just sitting there above my printer silently, seemingly calm. Though she did bite my fingers a few times when I tried to pet her earlier as she perched on my forearm.

Any advice would be awesome...I mean should I separate or just chuck her back in there and hope they aren't deciding to cannibalize?? (BTW, they have food and water lol)
They're bored. Fill a brooder with a dry leaves from your yard- ( be mindful of where your light bulb is- i needn't be a fire starter.) a few pieces of firewood and put out a babycake ( smaller chicks) or slightly soaked Optimal foragecake ( juveniles-subadults/moulting adults)
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Uh, what's a babycake? Should I get them bird toys, like little parakeet mirrors and the stuff? I have some downstairs...somewhere ....

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