Mobile Version!!!!!


6 Years
Aug 2, 2013
Not sure if this is where I should post but here goes nothing.I was wondering if I can change my avatar and make a signature with my iPhone?I tried myself but needless to say I failed.I just want people to have the privilege of seeing my silkies,I mean why should I keep them all to myself?If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.If this has already been ask by someone else,I'm sorry.
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When reporting a problem, please make sure you provide each of the following:

  • Specific device (iPhone 4G, Drod Razr Maxx, etc.)
  • OS version (see Finding your phone's software version)
  • Carrier (Sprint, AT&T, etc.)
  • What apps are you currently running - if you're using anything that limits ads or scripts, this is especially important.
  • A screenshot, if possible. This is pretty simple on iOS, but on Android 2.3 there's no way to do this, unfortunately. android 4 is generally holding power + volume up for 3 seconds, but may vary by device.
  • Reproduction Steps for Bug - be as specific as possible!
  • Check the quick start guide also.
Not sure if this is where I should post but here goes nothing.I was wondering if I can change my avatar and make a signature with my iPhone?I tried myself but needless to say I failed.I just want people to have the privilege of seeing my silkies,I mean why should I keep them all to myself?If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.If this has already been ask by someone else,I'm sorry.

Try the iPhone app

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