Modern Bantams anyone?

Ok, I have two modern bantams that are 4 1/2 weeks old now. Can anyone tell if I have boys/girls by now. They both have really small combs, but one seems larger/thicker? than the other.

This is Starling (smaller of the two)

and what color might she be, has lighter feathers on back of neck

and this is Lightning
that first one is a birchen, could be a dark silver blue but more than likely a birchen...and I would call that one a pullet, the second one that is self blue, not sure on, will probably have to wait a while, as the self blue wont have any other colors come in on neck, saddle even if it is a roo....some hens have bigger combs and wattles than others...just wait and see if it crows
rodriguez, I would need to see them in a different light, but if they are black, they will be either blacks, birchens or brown wont know which it is until they get old enough to put in neck coloring...and the same with the blue colored one, either blue, silver blue or lemon blue, you wont know til they get older.....morning light is the best lighting to get pictures in...
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when it is warm outside, it doesnt hurt to take them outside in the sun for a little while, long as there isnt a hard wind blowing...I have had 3 4 week old cockerels outside for the last week, 24/7 and it hasnt hurt them...

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