Modifying/Adapting a Mobile Spring Fling Chicken Coop


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2015
We just bought a new chicken coop for our 3 chickens. Here is what it looks like:

As you can see, it is basically a run with 3 hen boxes attached at one end. I'd like to modify it and build an actual small coop inside the run enclosing the 3 hen boxes. My questions....

Should we just attach 3 sides and call it good, or make it enclosed a little more such as creating a box off the floor so it looks more like this:

It wouldn't have the peaked roof, but I think you get the idea.

Also, it is about chest high (I'm 5'4") so getting in and building would be a little tricky, plus we'd need to clean it out.

I've read where some say more open is better, while others like their chickens to be more enclosed in their coops. I'd really like some ideas/suggestions of what to do with our new chicken home. Thanks!! Sirena
What did you decide to do with modifying your coop? I just bought the same one and have the concern of them getting out of the weather and roosting at night.
We placed our coop next to our garage, to provide a wind break. Then we took some particle board and place it on the half over the nesting boxes. We also placed one at the end as an additional wind break. To help stop predators we wrapped the bottom and about 1 ft up the sides in hardware cloth. I do have to admit the birds have been using their nesting boxes as roosts. Not sure what to do about that just now. But so far they seem to enjoy their new home.


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