
I am thankful for the moderators of this forum every day. I consider myself pretty internet savvy and there are several forums on various subjects that I am interested in. But as I've told my SO over and over again, this is the only forum that I've found (besides TEG) that is so very simple to use and also doesn't have a ton of riff raff, making it truly a pleasure to visit each day.
Having said that, I know there's been a few times when I walked a thin line on the rules. I've learned to take my problems to the mods instead of hashing it out in a thread and I've also learned to bite my tongue (bind my fingers?) when someone has a radically different perspective on a subject. I'm still learning.
So thank you mods, past and present, for the wonderful job that you do. BYC rocks!
The mods are spectacular people, it takes someone very special to keep BYC as safe as it is. The mods know what they are doing and they do it very well. To the mods, you guys are awesome!!
mods need help here guys. I just found this thread and so sad to learn we lost not one but two mods! We need to all ban together and help our favorite site out here. too few mods for 8,000 members. I have to reread the rules from time to time just to keep my mouth shut. Our mods are great and it is amazing how this site has grown.
Just found this thread (becuase of the golden feather member thingy.)

I did not know that Speckled hen WAS a moderator. She had a lot to contribute and I for one admire her even if she is not a moderator.

I did computer tech stuff for a major Medical School and know what a pain in the rear people can be.

I think that every one should come and go as they please, take a break and recoup. If this would be done I think all of us would benefit from it. Nifty-chicken has to be one evil person to hold up this long, I commend all of you.
You must be digging deep
7000 members and 6 Mods

now 17 Mods and the two that went on Leave of Moding are back.

Just wish I could remember what was in the little black boxes in my posts???​
Did not know anything about the report button, the items at the bottom of the page, I thought the mods were assigned by nifty-chicken and not really a chicken person and I did not know there was such a thing as the golden feather member and just why it is that all of you are keeping this such a little secret. Of course inquiring minds (with too much time on a Saturday Night) want to know.

The information of the BIG GOLDEN FEATHER was only released last night, so not a secret, just a new .................lets call it feature

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