Molt or mites?

I bought some saddles for them, for just in case. The one is bareback. Just missing some feathers. If It looks like she starting to get sunburned, I’ll put it on her.

Side note, they look stylish.... but boy do they hate they. I took it off when I saw it was gonna rain all day.
Lenard chased the one down. He was either doing one of two things
1) being like my wife’s father... “Get over here and let me take that god**** thing off you! You look stupid”
2) or just antagonizing her
I have never used a chicken saddle so I'm not sure how long it will take for them to adjust. The staring may go on for days, but the chickens may be tempted to scratch around with some treats or something. Feathers may not grow back until molt time, so potentially this time next year! So if they could get used to the saddles and get used to being together again that would be ideal, but I don't know how realistic this is.

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