Molt pics for newbies (myself included)


7 Years
Jun 22, 2016
South Africa
This is her first pre winter molt. I feel sorry for my baby.
Molting time is so shocking the first time you see it. My coop always looks like the girls had a pillow fight! I have one who molts hard-barely any feathers on her at all. She looks like she was plucked. I give them tuna, cat food and mealworms to increase their protein and they grow in their new feathers pretty fast.
Molting time is so shocking the first time you see it. My coop always looks like the girls had a pillow fight! I have one who molts hard-barely any feathers on her at all. She looks like she was plucked. I give them tuna, cat food and mealworms to increase their protein and they grow in their new feathers pretty fast.
I agree. Big shocker. Shame i think my baby will be bare as well like yours. Iv been giving them tuna and mealworms so far. They are so picky at the moment. I have to beg them to eat things. Thanks for your reply.
I had a good laugh at your reply. My girls are exactly the same! Everything they generally would love they are giving stink eye currently. Tut tut. The patience of this mommy. Popping to a agri store today. Hope to find a couple add on things to help my girls. Failing that ill dish them up a dinner plate at night with us :p

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