Molting and odd behavior

flock mommasan

6 Years
Dec 8, 2016
Central coast of California
My little Rockette -- #2 on the pecking order -- is molting quite badly right now. I wasn't that concerned but now she's acting oddly. She seems to be walking sideways with her head cocked part of the time. Is it that she feels badly with all the feathers going and coming? Or is this something to be concerned about? She is still pecking and scratching around the coop but when she stops she kind of "sinks into" herself...crouched down partway and head pulled in.

I haven't seen any of the others pecking at her so I don't think she's being bullied.

The pictures aren't very clear, but the top one shows her molting to some extent and the bottom one shows her odd walk.

Any thoughts?

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