Molting question

Auntie Moose

5 Years
Jun 27, 2016
Is there a particular place on their body that hens will begin to molt? Mine has a shiny hiney (by her vent), but nowhere else. I only noticed it because I was cleaning her dirty rear end. Would that be an unusual place to start molting, or is someone pecking her? TIA!
Can you post a pic so we can better understand what you mean? :)
Sometimes if they have a real messy vent, and get poo stuck to the feathers they (the feathers) will fall off.
Can you post a pic so we can better understand what you mean? :)
Sometimes if they have a real messy vent, and get poo stuck to the feathers they (the feathers) will fall off.
I'll see if I can get a picture, but it looks exactly like bare chicken skin, like plucked chicken you get in a store. It's a small, narrow strip of missing feathers. Perhaps she was trying to clean herself and pulled too hard?

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