Molting ?


Apr 4, 2019
Miami Florida
Around seven days ago small soft feathers began to show up in the nesting boxes. Also noticed small loose feathers on the the rear (vent area) of my pullets.
They are still laying eggs consistently.

is this the beginning of molting ?
Do flocks tend to go through it at one time ?
How long does the process take ?
It’s sounds like some of your flock IS molting. Adult hens go through a molt annually. Sometimes it can be a hard molt where they lose a lot/most of their feathers and sometimes it is mild. Either way, while molting, hens stop laying as they need that protein to grow new feathers.
Best wishes and be well! ❤️
Around seven days ago small soft feathers began to show up in the nesting boxes.
I've noticed the small feathers in the nest boxes about a week or two ago in my Barred Rocks coop.
All 5 molted last winter so I don't think they're molting again.
I think they're losing the small feathers with the warmer weather here.
Possibly like mammals shed their winter coat. IDK.
My hens are still laying well, I got 27 eggs last week from my 5 Barred Rocks.
Let's hope they're shedding their winter feathers, if that's such a thing. GC
I doubt it's molt.....could have a broody in the near future, they pluck their belly feathers in the nest. Could also be some feather pecking going on.
How old are these birds?
Mine do not pluck breast feathers to line nest nor expose brood patch. They still loose a few feathers from the breast region as they fully expose the brood patch for first time in a season. Number of feathers is less than 30 per bird and most loose far fewer than that. If location breezy at all, the feathers will disappear.
Mine do not pluck breast feathers to line nest nor expose brood patch. They still loose a few feathers from the breast region as they fully expose the brood patch for first time in a season.
So broodies breast feathers just fall out to expose 'skin patches'?
I think they do not have to loose any feathers at all to expose the the brood patch. Feel the brood patch of a broody sitting on eggs or chicks. You should notice something odd about how the skin feels. I have tame broody with chicks that might let me put a camera under her.

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