Mom had fun at TSC... again


chick magnet
16 Years
Jul 12, 2007
Newport, MI
This time she brought 12 chicks home, 8 ST run and 4 pullets. RIR, ameracaunas and white rocks.

4 of each breed.
and the ameracaunas are mine.
Just an FYI; usually Ameracaunas purchased from a hatchery are really EEs. True full-blood Ameracaunas are hard to come by.
They are brown with black on the tops of there backs. All 4 are like that. I was thinking that most EE's are mixed colors. Hopefully they are full blooded. I will post pics later on today and maybe someone will see if they are EE's or ameracaunas.
Comments about these two breeds from for your reading pleasure:

Araucanas, Ameraucanas and Easter Egg Chickens

I don't have any purebred Araucanas. These rumpless (tail-less) and ear-tufted birds from South America are very hard to find. They are known for laying blue eggs. Most of the so-called Araucanas in the US are mixes that carry some of the original genes and lay variously colored eggs: blue, green, or pinkish. These birds are sometimes (and more honestly) sold as Easter Egg chickens. They come in white and many other colors. The American Poultry Association also recognizes a bird called the Ameraucana, which lays colored eggs and has muffs and a beard, not ear tufts, and comes in standardized color varieties. The Araucana and Ameraucana also come in a bantam form. And if you want to get even more confused, look at the (probably ancestral) Rapanui.

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