Mom passed away...need prayer support for our family

Sorry for your loss

I think she is smiling down in you
Also I saw Bec lost someone this week - sorry for your loss
bit I also she is smiling down on you

I can't say I know what you are going thru we are still young but I can say I feel for you -
My prayers are with you also lots and lots of love

Wish you well thru the holiday season

God Bless !!!!
Karen and Emyz,
Thank you so much!!

I'm 40, but my Mom had me when she was 45 and the youngest sister to me was 20 when I was born so I was born "old" and am accustomed to death to a degree. My dad passed in '93 at 71. I had a lot more time with him than we thought since he had non hodgkin's lymphoma in the early 80's and was in remission for 12 yrs, even though the doctors gave him 3 months initially. God is good.

I know without a doubt that a wonderful reunion is going on right now in Heaven with all of the family and friends that have gone before Momma.
Of course, she wanted to see Jesus first off.

Bless your sweet heart!! Thank you!!
I read a TON more than I post , so I know that you're just about the best type of young lady there is.

Thank you once again, she was a tremendously kind and gentle lady who in her cooking days, would feed you until you couldn't eat anymore!
I've been looking through pictures tonight and seeing her writing and how many times she wrote, "I love you!!" on each pic just makes me feel that she's here with me, just looking over my shoulder and telling me it's going to be ok.
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Well, one day to get through until the funeral.

Mom is ready and she looks SO wonderful!
Her longtime hairdresser came and made her hair up so she'd look nice and put on her makeup just like Momma wanted with a little light pink lipstick and her mascara and a little bit of blush along with her foundation. She really looks like she's sleeping and she has SUCH a peace about her makes me want to cry, but it makes my soul be at ease.
I've been to many funerals, and I've never seen anyone with as much grace and peace about them.

Bless my step dad's heart..he went to sit with Mom after the funeral home called to tell him that she was ready for the service. He's so lost without her, even though he has all of us, he's missing Mom.
Please keep him in your prayers, he's such a wonderful, precious loving man!!
Hey all.
Well, tomorrow Momma will be Home one week. The funeral was beautiful, peaceful and for the most part, stress free as much as a funeral service can be.
(I, on the other hand, am probably the only one to ever sprain their wrist just trying to sit down on those rickity chairs at the cemetary:rolleyes:, which is why I haven't updated.)

I think that it's finally starting to hit me that she is really gone, not just at home or in the hospital, but not here any longer. Just a little bit depressed, but I know that its part of this grieving process. I didn't expect to have to attend another funeral today, so that probably didn't help, but had to be there for my longtime best friend and maid of honor whose BIL passed away very suddenly of a heart attack while hunting.
Just please pray that I don't hear, "Silent Night" this year. I can't handle it because that was the next to last song we sang to Momma.

I'm going to try to find her online obituary so I can have it for the link here and for the caringbridge site.
Sorry for the edit, I hit post before remembering that...
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