Momduck okay with gosling hanging out


8 Years
Mar 20, 2011
Northern Colorado
Holly has no problem with Bamboo the gosling spending time with she and her brood. Her babies are 2 weeks old, Bamboo is 5 weeks old.He so desperately wants a Mom and siblings that he sits outside their "nursery" and pines, so I let him in and Holly didn't react at all. I think my Toulouse goose hen will adopt him, she likes him alot.
Holly has no problem with Bamboo the gosling spending time with she and her brood. Her babies are 2 weeks old, Bamboo is 5 weeks old.He so desperately wants a Mom and siblings that he sits outside their "nursery" and pines, so I let him in and Holly didn't react at all. I think my Toulouse goose hen will adopt him, she likes him alot.
So sweet everybody needs a mommie.
Holly has no problem with Bamboo the gosling spending time with she and her brood. Her babies are 2 weeks old, Bamboo is 5 weeks old.He so desperately wants a Mom and siblings that he sits outside their "nursery" and pines, so I let him in and Holly didn't react at all. I think my Toulouse goose hen will adopt him, she likes him alot.

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