Mommy and her babies


8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
My one hen speckles has been trying to convince us for months she wants to be a mommy. First time our problem was we already had 2 batches and no room to put her while she sat. Then we moved. She stopped sitting and then went right back to it. Well she wasnt sitting well so we had eggs in the bator. The day they began to hatch she decided to sit in our extra pens. So we gave her the hatching chicks and 7 out of 12 hatched. The 7th died a few hours after it hatched something was wrong with her neck. The other 6 are healthy and adorable. I am also including pics of my silkie family. She hatched the chicks sometime back in June I believe. She had 3 hatch, but at around week 5 or 6 one of the silkies got squished somehow and died. The black roo is going to be the first chicken we butcher.

All the chicks are barred rock (rooster) with mothers being either black or red sex link, barred rock or australorp. The little yellow one we arnt sure who the mother is, but it has to be either a buff orpington or delaware. I am leaning towards a delaware. I am eager to see what she will look like. I know the others will all be a messy barred

Speckles so far is a wonderful mother. She has always been friendly so she is the ideal mother as she doesnt mind us handling the chicks, or taking her off of them so we can see. I am kind of waiting for her okay, but any suggestions as to how long I should wait before putting them in with the rest of the flock?

I love the one in the right hand corner she has little eyebrows! Hopeing its a hen. She has some membrane on her back. We had to help 2 of them out of the eggs as the membrane got to thick. Any ideas as to how to get it off without hurting the chick, or just let it come off as his feather grow in?

This is my silkie family. My silkies are not very friendly, but have made a great couple. Both are very attentive parents, and I look forward to letting her mother more chicks. Obviously the big black guy is not theirs, and he will someday be our supper. The one in the very back is their offspring. If it is a hen she will more likely than not be used for mothering chicks. If it is a rooster he will be sold.
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So exciting!
It is and she is such a proud mommy. Before she always just looked bored, but you can tell she is so proud of "her accomplishment" and I will let her believe it lol

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