
Bonnie- your chicks are hatching right on time today...looking like every chick (both breeder batches) that went into lockdown is going to hatch out!
I will post pics very or tomorrow...3- F2 olive eggers hatched today...GORGEOUS...deep chocolate color without feathered shanks....a silvery deep blue grayish with feathered shanks....and a chipmunk marked (welsummer looking) with feathered shanks...1 easter egger thats creamy yellow with a few small dark brown spots on head and back with puffy cheeks--no feather shanks. I believe 18 of the 26 are out now. Wow this is intense stuff...I am so tired and fuzzy brained (-;
Looking for started birds. I just do not have time for chicks and I cannot find the link that was on here before.
I would love turkens, cuckoo marans, BA, RIR or EE's or similar breed.
My old mare died last night. She was 37 and I have had her for 35 of her years. I'm very sad, but she had been going down hill for the last few weeks, and I had talked with my farm vet about putting her down this comming Saterday, so she saved me from that. She was a good old girl, and my herd lead mare, she kept everyone in line, and the rest of the horses seem a bit lost without her. She will be missed.
Herfrds, I should have started EE and OE's, in a couple of months depending on what hatches next weekend.
Sorry to hear about your mare Azirel. I lost my first horse to a heart condition. Just broke my heart. She loved to chase coyotes. She stomped DH's blue heeler on my birthday one year. Loved it because that rotten dog had bitten me several times.

Just let me know about the birds. I have argued about EE's with some people at work who do not believe me that they lay colored eggs.
Thank herferds, I will sure miss her, she was always the first to come running when she saw me, and even tho she had been retired for several years, I would still ride her bareback and nothing on her head in the pasture, and she still liked to run along side when I went riding on another horse.
Yea,The first time I brought my blue and olive eggs to work everyone thought I had dyed them. I had to bring in cracked shells to show them that they were blue all the way through,and not just dyed white rggs.
So sorry to hear about your mare. I have worked for an equine vet for the past 32 years and it still gets to us every time. Our time with them is so precious. If someone is not hurt when they lose an animal they have no business having any. ( sound like a bit of a fanatic, don't I?)
Azriel so sorry to hear about your horse. I,too, know how it feels to lose a good old friend. Even though it happened when I was much younger, it still makes me tear up. Always in my heart, running in her pasture.
Hello ))) how's it going your way. Your pretty close to me, cool. Tell us about your self, your chickens and other animals. Nice to meet another Montana person!
Hi Karla, Thanks for the warm welcome. Snowing today.
A Mom of 3, Gramma of 1. Live with my 17 year old and BF on the BF's 2000 acre ranch. He ranches cattle and hay and this chicken house has been sitting here staring at me for months. And I give him the sad puppy dog look all the time
. LOL I was in Seattle for a week and when I came home he had the chicken house all dialed in and a nice fenced outdoor space for them and he got me chickens for my Birthday in December! . LOVE the gift.!! He's a softie, but he won't admit it! Haven't had chickens for about 15 years.

I have a total of 23 Chix at the moment. I rescued 12 Red Sex Links a few days ago (with a Rooster masquerading as a hen!). They are so sad and pathetic looking. Missing tons of feathers. They've never seen the ground or the sun. They are scared to death to go outside. Giving them the time they need to feel safe.
I've a potpourri of other chickens. Orpingtons, California Whites, RI Red, Plymouth Rock (She's the ring leader), couple Australorps and 2 Barred Rocks. These my BF got from a guy moving out of state. Very pampered. They look gigantic compared to my rescues. I've been feeding oatmeal and yogurt the past week to help perk up the rescues.

About 80 black and red Angus, a Wiener dog, Jack Russel, 2 cattle dogs, a tuxedo cat (indoor) and assorted barn cats and bunnies.. LOL

Where do you live? Any pointers on keeping the girls happy in the cold weather?

Take care Tammee
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Hi Karla, Thanks for the warm welcome. Snowing today. :/ A  Mom of 3, Gramma of 1. Live with my 17 year old and BF on the BF's 2000 acre ranch. He ranches cattle and hay and this chicken house has been sitting here staring at me for months. And I give him the sad puppy dog look all the time :idunno .  LOL I was in Seattle for a week and when I came home he had the chicken house all dialed in and a nice fenced outdoor space for them and he got me chickens for my Birthday in December! . LOVE the gift.!! He's a softie, but he won't admit it! Haven't had chickens for about 15 years. 

I have a total of 23 Chix at the moment. I rescued 12 Red Sex Links a few days ago (with a Rooster masquerading as a hen!). They are so sad and pathetic looking. Missing tons of feathers. They've never seen the ground or the sun. They are scared to death to go outside. Giving them the time they need to feel safe. 
I've a potpourri of other chickens. Orpingtons, California Whites, RI Red, Plymouth Rock (She's the ring leader), couple Australorps and [COLOR=333333]2 Barred Rocks[/COLOR]. These my BF got from a guy moving out of state. Very pampered. They look gigantic compared to my rescues. I've been feeding oatmeal and yogurt the past week to help perk up the rescues.  

About 80 black and red Angus, a Wiener dog, Jack Russel, 2 cattle dogs, a tuxedo cat (indoor) and assorted barn cats and bunnies.. LOL 

Where do you live? Any pointers on keeping the girls happy in the cold weather?

Take care Tammee
hi Tammee! Wow you sound like you got some great chickens, and a great man there for getting them and the coop for you. Those sex link I hear lay amazing. Real good layers ! How old are they? Where did you get them? I am always on the look out for sex links. I live in Butte and have a coop in my back yard . I have a real nice pen to. I had them built for me ( you can see them here some where lol ) I started with 5 girls, but now have nine ( had ten one passed away :(. It's going to be real cold here soon, is your coop insulated? Poor girls could get cold with feathers gone. Maybe some good scratch at night to warm them? Not sure how to keep them warm, my coop is insulated very well and the pen is totally enclosed to block wind and snow rain etc.
Now the angus interest me! I'm always on the look out for a good side of beef ( grass fed no Gmo corn fed) wow your close to me cool! I go to dillon to get milk at times, hope to again soon but her goat dried and she is pregnant again. Wow 2000 acres sounds like a dream come true! All I got is a little back yard, but I'm blessed with my girls. I'm looking to add to my flock this spring , looking for some good egg layers ( pullets) my broody passed away,
If you got time. I would love to see the chickens and coop. I'm chicken adicted! ( my family thinks I have gone nuts lol )
Snowing here to, cold as heck and about 4 inches so far ,I hope it snows 2 feet. I love the snow and the fact less fires in the summer.
Have a good night Tammee, stay warm :)
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My old mare died last night. She was 37 and I have had her for 35 of her years. I'm very sad, but she had been going down hill for the last few weeks, and I had talked with my farm vet about putting her down this comming Saterday, so she saved me from that. She was a good old girl, and my herd lead mare, she kept everyone in line, and the rest of the horses seem a bit lost without her. She will be missed.
Herfrds, I should have started EE and OE's, in a couple of months depending on what hatches next weekend.  
sweetie I'm so sorry, :(. But you had her a long time and that is something to be proud of. She had a good life, but still sad loosing a friend. Sending prayers and hugs your way. ((( hugs))))

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