
Most of them are EE or Olive eggers, some are pure Ameraucana.we'll have to wait to see how many of each hatch, but there should be several of the pretty colors to pick from. All my Ameraucana lay very pretty blue eggs. I don't know for sure that any of my Marans eggs will be pure as they are in with the laying flock and I have the Ameraucana and EE roos in there as well as the Marans roos. The Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana are the only ones in their own breeding pen. The blue birds are very pretty, kind of a grey blue with very pretty lacing and a little darker on the head, and the lavender are a lighter silvery blue all over-no lacing. Both are very pretty eye candy in a backyard flock.
Awesome! I want 3 of the blue egg layers ( ameraucana ) and one olive egg layer. I have always wanted blue eggs, green is ok, but mine are kind of a poopy green lol. I can not wait to see the pictures.
The white chicks are blue wheaten/wheaten ameraucanas....the deeper yellow gold with stripes is an Easter/Olive egger. I have a few of these wit feathering on legs from olive eggs and a few from blue green eggs without feathering too.
Good morning MT and AZ, well, I've got about 30 chicks out now, several lavender, some blues, yellow, and black, I don't think I have any of the cute chipmunk one yet, but there are several in the bator to wet to tell. The one from the pullet egg hatched and it isn't a whole lot smaller than the rest. One is a real cute lavender and yellow spotted, so that should be a mottled lavender. I think its cute, after I pull all the chicks from the bators I'll go in to check and even when there are not any hatched chicks in there if I turn on the light and start talking to them the unhatched eggs will be peeping back at me. I wish I could tell from hatch which chicks were male/female, it would make it alot easier to know what to grow out. I'm going to try to sell most of the black chicks on craigslist, altho I don't mind black hens with free ranging in the summer they don't seem to get targeted as much by hawks as the flashy colors do.
Do any of you get the Territorial seed company catalog, its mostly organic and heirloom seeds and plants. I was looking through mine this morning, and they are selling "Chickity Doo Doo" a 100% chicken fertilizer for $22. for 7# , man I need to forget about selling eggs and start selling poo.
Has anyone tried to dry peppers? One of the seed catalogs I get has cayenne peppers and I would like to try to dry my own for cooking. Territorial has a solar food dryer I would love to get, I love going through the seed catalogs, but the I wants always out weigh the I can affords.
It looks like more snow today, and its a little colder than yesterday, I'm soooo ready for spring.
Hope everyone is staying warm on this bitter cold morning! Temp outside is 13 right now.... not supposed to get much warmer here today. I keep trying to think positive....spring spring spring .... can't get here soon enough for me!
I have enjoyed looking at everyone's chick pics ... so cute.
Azriel, I so wish that we lived closer ... I would love to get a few of your chicks. !!
My boyfriend is friends with a guy who lives out at one of the (brand) new Hutterite colonies close to town. I got 5 leghorn pullets from them last spring and they have been great layers... They (colony) have decided to try a new breed of chicken besides the Leghorns that they normally have.... Lohman Browns. They are getting them from a hatchery in Washington state. He offered 10 or 12 pullets to me, so I am thinking seriously of trying them. They are supposed to be prolific layers, good for a couple of years, extremely friendly. I'll go pick them up in March sometime. Does anyone have any knowledge of this breed? I read they are a hybrid breed, but I am not interested in showing them, etc.
My chickens are starting to slow down a little bit in laying. Last week I was getting 12-16 eggs a day and I am now getting on average about 10-12 a day. That's to be expected. I have people who regularly buy eggs from me but have had to disappoint them the past week or so. Not everyone is getting the 2 doz at a time that they normally get. Next summer I may have eggs coming out my ears.

Hope everyone stays nice & warm. Think Spring!
Good morning MT and AZ,  well, I've got about 30 chicks out now, several lavender, some blues, yellow, and black, I don't think I have any of the cute chipmunk one yet, but there are several in the bator to wet to tell. The one from the pullet egg hatched and it isn't a whole lot smaller than the rest. One is a real cute lavender and yellow spotted, so that should be a mottled lavender. I think its cute, after I pull all the chicks from the bators I'll go in to check and even when there are not any hatched chicks in there if I turn on the light and start talking to them the unhatched eggs will be peeping back at me. I wish I could tell from hatch which chicks were male/female, it would make it alot easier to know what to grow out. I'm going to  try to sell most of the black chicks on craigslist, altho I don't mind black hens with free ranging in the summer they don't seem to get targeted as much by hawks as the flashy colors do.
Do any of you get the Territorial seed company catalog, its mostly organic and heirloom seeds and plants.  I was looking through mine this morning, and they are selling "Chickity Doo Doo"  a 100% chicken fertilizer for $22. for 7# , man I need to forget about selling eggs and start selling poo.
Has anyone tried to dry peppers? One of the seed catalogs I get has cayenne peppers and I would like to try to dry my own for cooking. Territorial has a solar food dryer I would love to get, I love going through the seed catalogs, but the I wants always out weigh the I can affords.
It looks like more snow today, and its a little colder than yesterday, I'm soooo ready for spring.
so what's a blue and lavender? Color wise? One darker then the other ? And what are the black chicks? I so want pictures! I want a girl that is very colorful, mine are so plain! I want colors .i still need to find a leg horn or other bird that lays white eggs, yeah I'm that obsessed in having all the colored eggs lol. I have got to find chicken poo in bags, I forgot to for my Arden in the fall, now I'm going to have to find a bag of it. I dry stuff, peppers are easy. I dry them whole and then pop the stem org when there all dried. I got 2 dehydrators on eBay and there awesome!

I took a few random chick photos, I've still got alot hatching, and I would like to get some out of the bator, but every time I look in there are a few more half zipped, so I don't want to open the bater and make the humitidy drop. The 1st photo is the mottled lavender, the next is the little one from the pullet egg, the black one is from a very dark red Marans egg, next is a Wheaten Ameraucana, and last is a lavender with feathered shanks.
Karla, you can see the difference in blue and lavender in Cindys chicks, in her 2nd to the last photo there is a lavender and blue side by side. The lavender is much lighter,more silver, blues will have a darker overall color, and a dark head but still to light to be black.

Montanachicks, I have never heard of the Lohman Browns, but if they are a red/brown sexlink they should be great layers, and the Hutts wouldn't get them if they weren't. I wouldn't mind getting some of them,I love my sexlinks but hate having chicks sent in.
Hope everyone is staying warm on this bitter cold morning!  Temp outside is 13 right now....  not supposed to get much warmer here today.  I keep trying to think positive....spring spring spring ....  can't get here soon enough for me!  
I have enjoyed looking at everyone's chick pics ...  so cute. 
Azriel, I so wish that we lived closer ...  I would love to get a few of your chicks.  !!  
My boyfriend is friends with a guy who lives out at one of the (brand)  new Hutterite colonies close to town. I got 5 leghorn pullets from them last spring and they have been great layers...  They (colony) have decided to try a new breed of chicken besides the Leghorns that they normally have....   Lohman Browns.  They are getting them from a hatchery in Washington state.  He offered 10 or 12 pullets to me, so I am thinking seriously of trying them.  They are supposed to be prolific layers, good for a couple of years, extremely friendly.  I'll go pick them up in March sometime.  Does anyone have any knowledge of this breed?  I read they are a hybrid breed, but I am not interested in showing them, etc. 
My chickens are starting to slow down a little bit in laying.  Last week I was getting 12-16 eggs a day and I am now getting on average about 10-12 a day.  That's to be expected.  I have people who regularly buy eggs from me but have had to disappoint them the past week or so.   Not everyone is getting the 2 doz at a time that they normally get.  Next summer I may have eggs coming out my ears. :D  
Hope everyone stays nice & warm.  Think Spring!:weee
wow never heard of this bird, I will have to go look them up. I do want a leg horn or two, I want white eggs, go figure all my life I wanted color eggs,and now I want white to lol hey, if they get some leg horns can you grab me 2? Yeah I will drive that far for them lol, oh and my girls have all slowed down, now 2 more decided to molt, so now down to 3 eggs today from
7 girls ( i have 9 birds, I is a rooster and one is only a pullet still ) Oye my family and extended family are screaming for eggs. Please... 3 eggs and I'm eating them lol

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