
We believe the extras help.  We give alfalfa, scratch and an organic layer feed. warm water plenty of deep bedding straw for the coop (which is insulated) and a little extra light and heat on cold short winter days.  Don't feel too bad about the mixed flock thing.  We did exactly the same thing when we were new and were lucky as well.  I guess the lord protects newbies like us.  NOW I would never try that without quarantine.  I too read that after the fact. Live and learn. 
yeah we give our girls goodies also, sunflower seeds, really good millet, and today they got thick vegetable beef soup with lots of veggies. Tam, I'm going to get a new flock block this weekend my girls love these.
Azriel & Karlamarie:  I googled LOHMAN BROWN and got lots of pics (they are a reddish-cinnamon color) and was able to get lots of info on them.  It says they lay early (16-18 wks) and in the first year alone, usually put out 300 eggs.  The hatchery in Washington had sent the colony 6 eggs (to "show" what they look like) & they are nice big brown ones.  The only thing negative i saw on one person's review (& it was here on BYC) was that sometimes they will eat their own eggs....   but I have someone doing that now, about once a week but dunno who it is. that's the only person that said that about them, but I actually sent a message to this guy & he answered me....   saying all the above is true--- great layers, cold tolerant, very very friendly bird, etc.  He mentioned again that he has had ones that will sometimes eat an egg.   Again, they are a hybrid, not pure bred.  Think I also read that they originated in Germany.  If either of you, or anyone else, finds out more about them, please let me know!! 

Karla, the Leghorns I got from them were about 5-6 months old and were already laying.  They are a small bird.  Very skittish. they layed eggs the first couple days I had them, then (I presume from the upset in their life style-- moving, etc) they quit for about 3 weeks.   But boy, do they lay!  4 out of the 5 lay a really nice size egg (jumbo size) and one of them lays a small egg, every day.  They charged me $6.00 a piece for them.  So I will let you know when I am closer to going to pick up the L Browns. 
holy cow, 300 eggs the first year? Oh man I want them to lol. Sounds like an amazing deal, 6.00 a piece wow. Put me down for 2 please )))) man I'm going to be over run with chickens lol. If I get the white leg horns, I will watch them closely. I saw a woman in town that had a few with her flock, they did well so I'm hoping a leg horn will do well in my flock to. I always wanted a white bird, just 1 white egg will be fine lol. I also went and read up on the lohman browns today, there is a lot to say about them, all was good. I did see the post on them eating eggs, but ot may have been a fluke . MAybe it had a taste of a broken egg and then began eating them, this happens with all chickens. there also pretty birds, with pretty lacing on the tale.
Well, right now I think I have about 50 chicks in the brooder, I lost count as I was taking them out of the bator and trying to count them in the brooder is a lost cause. I had one that totally zipped and had almost popped the top of the egg off, and then died
, and one from a white egg that is still in the bator that I'm not sure is going to make it. Another has started zipping and a few more eggs are cheeping. I have a couple of eggs that I put in a few days later, so hatching will go on for a few more days.
Well, right now I think I have about 50 chicks in the brooder, I lost count as I was taking them out of the bator and trying to count them in the brooder is a lost cause. I had one that totally zipped and had almost popped the top of the egg off, and then died:hit , and one from a white egg that is still in the bator that I'm not sure is going to make it. Another has started zipping and a few more eggs are cheeping. I have a couple of eggs that I put in a few days later, so hatching will go on for a few more days.
. Wow you are doing awesome, sorry bout the dead peep :(. What bird came from a white egg ? A white egg, the one true egg I also want lol. I sure wish they were the color the look like as peeps, funny how they totally change and are totally different when they grow up. Can not wait to hear more on the peeps!
I have 1 white egg layer, she is a Golden Lakenvelder, very pretty but not a great layer. I get maybe 1 or 2 eggs a week from her. I don't like most of the white layers, too small, too flighty not very friendly, but wouldn't mind a few of the Brown or Red Leghorn, they are pretty. This chick I've got from the white egg wouldn't be a white layer, it would lay either brown or blue depending on who the dad is.
Its funny, when I sell eggs if I put the white one in the people think I put one from the store in there, they just want the brown and colored eggs. I'll put the white one in for the ladys I work with just for fun, and they always say something about it to me. I normally just keep the white one, they're all the same to me, altho, I do think the olive eggs taste the best.
I have 1 white egg layer, she is a Golden Lakenvelder, very pretty but not a great layer. I get maybe 1 or 2 eggs a week from her. I don't like most of the white layers, too small, too flighty not very friendly, but wouldn't mind a few of the Brown or Red Leghorn, they are pretty. This chick I've got from the white egg wouldn't be a white layer, it would lay either brown or blue depending on who the dad is.  
Its funny, when I sell eggs if I put the white one in the people think I put one from the store in there, they just want the brown and colored eggs. I'll put the white one in for the ladys I work with just for fun, and they always say something about it to me. I normally just keep the white one, they're all the same to me, altho, I do think the olive eggs taste the best. :idunno
yeah I heard the lakenvelder are not good layers, that's why I want a leg horn. I want a white egg, seems the only real good layer of white eggs is the leg horn.
If you can believe it, I have a neighbor that will never eat brown eggs, even though I told her a hundred times there the same eggs. She wants white eggs and white only.
So what does flighty mean in a chicken? I have a few who run when I go near them, they will fly if I try to touch them. Ugh silly birds.
That's what leghorns do. They are always nervous, standoffish, run from you and never be calm, docile or friendly. I have tried leghorns of every color and they are all nervous flighty birds. The one thing they do well is lay large white eggs(lots of them). They are also cold tolerant and don't go broody. Interesting to hear what everyone is adding to their flock. I still have to decide myself.
Karla, I saw that you are looking for a coop for your Mom, there is one on the Bozeman craigslist. I think it was good for up to 6 hens for $250. I don't know how to post links, sorry. There is also a really nice one on the Billings craigslist, but a lot more $$$$. Its $1250. but sure is nice, also would fit about 6 hens.
I came home from work to another 6 chicks in the bator, and I should have a few more over the next several days.
That's what leghorns do.  They are always nervous, standoffish, run from you and never be calm, docile or friendly.  I have tried leghorns of every color and they are all nervous flighty birds. The one thing they do well is lay large white eggs(lots of them).  They are also cold tolerant and don't go broody. Interesting to hear what everyone is adding to their flock.  I still have to decide myself.
well if that's what they do I'm used to it lol. The girls I raised from eggs the first time I got chickens are tame, eat and come to me, but the pullets I got and the
Sat 2 my broody raised are very stand offish , no big deal really they go into the coop when I want them to and they mind me so all is well. I'm still thinking of getting one or two I just love how cute they are.

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