
Just finished lining the inside 14" of the edge of the run with 4" of soil cement, after locking the chicks in the coop with food and water.  Those little buggers were trying to dig under the edge boards and were already 4" down in spots!  Tomorrow when they try to dig there they will just be filing their nails!
my chickens did the same thing, we lined the outside with bricks . Sneaky girls lol
Hummm. Interesting idea. I will think it over. Thanks for the idea. I am not one to just kill things. The thought of killing our roosters is hard enough for me. I keep making excuses, its just a bantam! Not enough meat to justify killing him! Or its a docile breed, maybe he will be a nice rooster! My hubby thinks I am losing my marbles thinking we can just keep them all. I guess I am not as tough as I thought. Lol.
Hi rookiefarmers,
Don't get me wrong-I love cats.....But cats are unpredictable. whether they are ferel or domesticated-they have an instict to catch birds (high prey drive). Best solution would be to live trap & re-locate cat to new area after being spayed or neutered of course..............But another cat will most likely replace it. Important to have predator proof housing to protect your animals from the unexpected opportunist.I have tame pet kittens that have more insticts to go after my poultry than the outdoor "farm cat hunters"..............
I agree with Appychick for the most part. That would be the humane thing to do. If you start feeding the cat it will come around more and it will never lose its drive to get at your birds. A feral cat is by definition a wild predator and I would minimize or eliminate its chances of ever getting close to your chicks again. I would try to get a picture of Felix and then ask around if any of your neighbors own the cat, and if they do ask them politely to keep it at home. If none of them fesses up to owning it, I would deal with it promptly (live trapping and relocation a long ways away -10 miles plus) to suitable habitat.
I have asked our neighbors. No one owns it but I already knew that by its scruffy and wild nature. It is absolutely a predator. I talked at length with my hubby last night and he thinks I should call the animal control lady at our local sheriffs office (we know her because of some issues with a neighbors MEAN dog) and see what she says. He thinks she may come trap it herself. I would love if it could get trapped and relocated and not have to kill it.... but I do know its likely never going to stop stalking my chicks, because let's face it, who doesn't love chicken. ;)
I've never had stray cats go after my chickens. They'll sit by the coop looking for mice, but never bother the chickens.In fact if one gets in the chicken area by mistake my hens will go after the cat. Rookiefarmers if your birds are adults I don't think I'd worry about it. If they're babies then yes, a cat will go after them.
My neighbor just across the road has lost 5 four month old chickens to a cat that killed them. She saw the cat and described it to me. I have been watching, and 2 weeks ago, I chased it out of my yard. If it comes back again, I will kill it. I am not letting it kill my chickens.

It killed her chickens in two days. Only ate part of one each time but killed more. These were pretty good sized chickens. I guess it just depends on the size of area the chickens are pinned up in, and also the breed. Some are just more docile and don't try to defend themselves but just panic.
I got my new calves today, they are both Red Angus/ Charolais mixes. The red one is just over a month old, and the white one is about 2 weeks.
I had to put a wrap around the little white calf as the red one was sucking on her navel. I'm trying to get the red one on a bucket, and the white one is going to stay on the bottle for a little while longer. They are both eating pellets and hay, and drinking water, so i don't have to worry as much if I'm a little late getting home from work.

I don't blame you a bit ReptileMom, if you need to dispatch that cat. Especially if nobody nearby is claiming it. Far to many feral cats and dogs around. Spay and neuter!!

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