
Busy weekend! Haha Hope everyone had a good one :) Still no calves... Betting we get one when I'm travelling and DH is here alone. *sigh*
thanks for explaining, but if you want some veggies, I say catch Water. Get your self a barrel and s screen ( cheese cloth is good) some very fine screen and put it under your rain gutters, you can fill up a barrel so fast with one small rain . Barrels are 45.00 I believe now at murdocks and there old 55 gallon olive barrels. They also come with a spigot on the bottom and you just attach a hose. I have several, but mine are in my basement holding good drinking water that is treated. But plan on getting a few for my yard so I can water my garden. I grew so many tomatoes in buckets ( got them free from restaurants) my chicken girls loved the tomatoes and got some every day as they ripened. This year I'm planting in buckets again, and of course I do tomatoes in my ground, also ,they went wild last year and we had tons of tomatoes from them to. I am doing my bell peppers in buckets, and have so many other things planned. Lettuce planted every few weeks in my raised beds so the chickens get fresh harvests non stop, and my family also, carrots, Anaheim chili, radishes, just to name a few.
I had not really ever grew food before, but last years was awesome and I enjoyed it. I only did tomatoes last year but I outdid the best seasoned garners in my neighborhood and gave my tomatoes to them. So this year trying more things. I hope to do better each year and collect more seeds and try different things.

Well I'm off to bed to try to sleep. I fell today and tore my shoulder up pretty good. I felt it tear. So far not even the hydrocodone is not touching the pain, so off to try ibuprofen along with it . Have a good night
So sorry about your fall and hurt shoulder! Hope it feels better by now. If you felt it tear perhaps you should see a doctor?
Urban chickens are a hot topic in town right now  --  there is a group called Great Falls Urban Chicken Initiative who are trying to get enough signatures to put the Urban chickens back on the ballot in November.  I work with the guy who is heading all of this up, and they are broadcasting an interview with him on KRTV today at 530 & 10....  so I get a text message at 8 this morning from Aaron (the guy I work with) asking if my chickens & my coop would like to be on tv today --  at 9:30 I had a reporter w/camera at my house, along with Aaron, and she spent an hour here taking film, pictures, and asking loads of questions.  I am located 2 blocks outside of the city limits so this law banning chickens does not affect me, but I think people who want them, and will care for them, should be able to have them.  So that was kind of a fun way to start my day.  She got lots of footage of eggs in the nests, chickens sitting on the nests and out in their yard, plus she thought it was great that I compost everything, so got pictures of that also.  (thankfully when she got here, every nest had chickens in it, .... )

Have pullets laying eggs everyday, so life is good! 
wow I hope tey can get an ok on chickens, they owe you much for doing what you did! It's sad that towns have such strict rules. We have so many here that have chickens, but you have to look hard lol, no one knows who does or does not lol.

I have been busy and been sore. When I fell I tore up everything from my shoulder to my rib cage. I'm in between in pain and wanting to cry to woozy from the hydrocodone .
So sorry about your fall and hurt shoulder!  Hope it feels better by now.  If you felt it tear perhaps you should see a doctor?
I will be seeing a doctor on the third, gives me time to think of how I'm going to be able to go through the pain of them touching me! I hate doctors visits and scared it might need surgery. No way no how !
I don't ever want to complain about the rain, but it sure is nice to see the sun again. It has been raining here almost non stop for a week and the roads I need to take to get in and out of my place are almost non driveable.
When I opened the pop doors on the coop this morning, all the chickens ran out to see what kind of yummy bugs and worms they could find, they've been staying under the covered runs all week and have not been to happy about it.
No new calf here yet, its got to be any time now, the cow is huge. I've been checking on her 3-4 times a day, thursday night after work I had to walk out in the pouring ran to check on her and I walked up on a bull elk in my hay field. It was raining so hard he didn't even hear me till I was about 6 feet from him. I had on a bright blue rain coat, and when he lifted his head an saw me he just stood there and stared at me wondering what the big blue blob was standing 6 feet away from him.
I'm going to put my two bottle calves out side for a while today, they haven't been able to go out and run and play with all this rain, so they will be happy to get out in the grass and sun for a while.
Good luck with your visit Karla I hope the doctor is gentle and helpful. They have great painkillers too!
thanks, I go Monday morning. have been on good pain meds for a long time, hoping i can get my arm fixed !

Azriel, I brought home some of your chickens today, as my pullets grow im selling them, giving roosters away and bringing back your flock.
its trying to find out who is rooster and who is not right now. and finding room to add to and take away some. there so sweet, and laying ! we are trying to integrate them into the flock, so they are happy and secure. we got an olive egg today!

lawn mowing, shopping and weed eating is the plan today, this evening cleaning the coop, the run and my back yard . HAve a good day all !!
Five leg horns went today and one, 1month old austrolorp who looks like rooster already . Big comb turning red , so six out and another one from Areils flock, there all doing ok, the occasional chasing but no harm. I put the new ones in te coop/pen and shut te pen door so they get to know where to lay, and since the pen/coop are in use I put a nest box outside under the hedge for my girls to lay.everyone free ranged all day and after catching Ariels birds and put them away to lay , I'm pooped. The new birds were let out yesterday and did not know to go back in so there locked up a few days to accustom them selves.
I'm off for a nap, after going to get goats milk, feeding running after the girls, cleaning etc. my arm needs more pain Meds!
Started some fermented feed yesterday for the girls and my new arrivals, which should be showing up today (I saw they were in Billings yesterday). I am very curious to see the difference between it and standard feed.
Started some fermented feed yesterday for the girls and my new arrivals, which should be showing up today (I saw they were in Billings yesterday). I am very curious to see the difference between it and standard feed.
hi Larry, let us know how it goes, never heard of fermenting, do not understand any of so I will have to go look it up. I believe others have tried this as well. Any web site explaining all this ? It peaks my interest

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