
Where is everyone?  I've been out of touch for awhile here -------------

just wondering how many of you are experiencing the bad Upper Respiratory illness amongst your flock
 that everyone seems to be fighting?

I have and is driving me nuts. My ladies seem to be eating and drinking well but I can't seem to completely get it out of my flock :(
I think the respiratory infection deal is all over the place --- there are so many people who are trying to get rid of it. I lost one hen Wednesday evening. I finally took 2 of the worst ones to my vet on Saturday --- I NEVER thought that I'd be the one to take a chicken to a vet -- but it was either that, or sit back & watch them suffer & die slowly. I had already treated for 10 days with 2 antibiotics. And like a lot of people, the results of that are: not getting rid of it--not getting much worse -- not getting any better. Anyway, my vet gave those 2 an injection (the stuff is used mainly on cattle) and it actually seems to be working. -- knock on wood . I picked up 15 more syringes of meds today and gave out 10 shots.... I will finish that chore tomorrow after work. I just hope #1 that it gets rid of whatever is going on & #2 that it STAYS GONE.

I talked to my vet about trying to find out what's going on -- his only suggestion to get to the source was to cull one of the sick ones & send her to the state lab. Cost is around $100, then if they have to start doing this test, that test, to pinpoint it, it costs more. So you're basically stuck with not knowing what's causing the problem.

This is my 4th year of raising chickens, and the first time that I've had ANY health issues at all.
I have and is driving me nuts. My ladies seem to be eating and drinking well but I can't seem to completely get it out of my flock
What have you been doing/using to treat it?
Hi! Thanks. I love talking chickens! This is my 1st year....and I (again) realized that I need to modify my coop this weekend. I haven't noticed any coughing or any of that with my birds. I will pay more close attention to them tomorrow eve once I am home from work.

I thought I was making my coop well ventilated, but I think I reality I made it drafty. I think several of my birds got some frostbite this past weekend with it so cold. Them seem happy, tho. I did let them out to roam the yard this afternoon & all of them came out to play! I am going to insulate & make better vent holes this weekend. Too much winter left not to.
Welcome, mtchickengal ~~~~ I'm also located in Great Falls!

Love to see your birds! ...and see your winter set up.
Hi! Thanks. I love talking chickens! This is my 1st year....and I (again) realized that I need to modify my coop this weekend. I haven't noticed any coughing or any of that with my birds. I will pay more close attention to them tomorrow eve once I am home from work.

I thought I was making my coop well ventilated, but I think I reality I made it drafty. I think several of my birds got some frostbite this past weekend with it so cold. Them seem happy, tho. I did let them out to roam the yard this afternoon & all of them came out to play! I am going to insulate & make better vent holes this weekend. Too much winter left not to.

Love to see your birds! ...and see your winter set up.

You're welcome anytime !! However, not until I get rid of the junk going around -- wouldn't want your girls to get it. What side of town do you live on?
I live South of holiday village, Just a half block out of city limits. I don't think my birds have the junk you are talking about. They seem fine.....but a dash of frostbite from this last cold weekend. I am going to post some pics of them I took during lunch today.
How about you? What area do you live in?
I live South of holiday village, Just a half block out of city limits. I don't think my birds have the junk you are talking about. They seem fine.....but a dash of frostbite from this last cold weekend. I am going to post some pics of them I took during lunch today.
How about you? What area do you live in?

over on the NW side -- 1.5 blocks outside the city limits. You are so lucky that yours haven't caught this bug going around. I called this evening and talked to a lady who lives in Ulm and has been a state poultry judge for years ............. she is a wealth of information, but told me that this stuff is everywhere. She has lost 2 birds because of it already, whereas I've only lost one. She said its just a very stubborn URI and it's due mainly to the rapid cold weather. Hers started the same time mine, and I think everyone else's did -- about a month ago when it was 50+ most of the day then that cold front from Canada came thru and temps dropped so rapidly in a matter of a few hours. There really was no time frame for a gradual cold this fall/winter.
That sounds completely logical to me.

  1. I was really struggling with how to do the best for my birds during that. On the 2nd day, I put a heat lamp in my run, which is largely covered with plastic. I also didn't let them out into the yard for that week, or whatever it was. I have 3 neighbors with in about a 4 block area that have chickens. I noticed on the 2nd day of that cold snap that they had heat lamps in their coops. That's when I put mine up. I was not comfortable putting it in the actual coop, as I think it is too small to be safe. I screwed it to the framing in the covered portion of the run. It was by no means warm in there, but not quite so cold. The coop still got to -16 inside. I was so afraid I would have dead birds. Guess I just lucked out. Today I was out there for about 15 min with them. None of them sneezed or coughed. I was especially worried about "Buff". She is my cream & brown Aracauna/Easter egged or whatever along that line. She was in a moult....and pretty slim on the feathers.

    You know, I should really check in with my chicken loving neighbors & see how theirs are. Love to get together with you & maybe that gal from Ulm to talk chickens. I've learned a lot, but there is still a TON to learn. I'm a nurse & have a few patients that have chickens, too. I talk chickens whenever I have the chance.....I think I'm infected! Lol. I will be insulating my coop this sat. I will also modify the ventilation situation. Have a great day.
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