
Yay! That's where I got my 1st 16 birds. I got 6 meat birds, & the rest dual purpose birds. Last year they got a lot of their birds from Dunlap hatchery in iD. They had these ones that are gold sex links....I think they re the same as red stars....basically. A cross with a leghorn & Rhode Island red. I have 1(the other one died.) she is a super layer! A large egg every day. They were hatched on about March 3rd last year. She started laying at 19 weeks (July) and has missed about 4 days since. The only ones that are in my pics on my profile that are NOT from there are the BA, leghorn's & polish. I got those from Murray McMurray last June. Last year, big R. 'S 1st shipment of birds did not do well. It had been so cold, & the post office didn't call them on Sunday....that's what they told me. Looking at those chicks is like being in a candy store! When I went, I was only gonna get 6 birds. I ended up with 16. The meat birds were so good, I got 10 with my Murray order in June. I will get some more Cornish roasters this year. When I ordered, the post office did call me Monday morning at 4am. It was June & they were fine. That was very exciting, but it did cost me way more than the ones from big R.
One of my BO's decided to go broody, so I've moved her into a good sized pen in the garage, sitting on 12 eggs. Just finished getting her settled, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well!
mtchickengal, now that my girls are feeling much better, you're welcome to come on over to see them, if you still want to. Just let me know when would be a good day for you --- weekends are best for me, as I work during the week.
Cody, Wyoming here

Hey, Montana chicks! I would love to go see your girls! sorry, I've been neglecting my favorite site....started a new game. Especially since you have your Bo setting! I'm wanting to get mine going here next weekend. That would be a good time during the weekend for a chicken visit. I will pm my # for texting. Have a great day!

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