
Does anyone have a swedish flower hen female that they would sell?? Or, trade for a beautiful SFH cockerel?
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Hello everyone. I'm a snowbird who summers in Kalispell. Got my first chickens 2 years ago. Lost all but two last year to foxes who had their den in the state park that abuts the property. So far a neighbor has killed one of last year's kits but only after losing 4 of his hens. I'm doing a new coop and pen. Making it as much like Fort Knox as I can afford and adding electric poultry netting to give me a bit more peace of mind. The new chicks were mail ordered and arrived at a friend's house across the street in early March. If all goes according to plan the new coop should be up and ready on Sunday. I am so ready to have them here at the house where I can enjoy them.
I sure am.  I love friendly chickens.  My girls follow us around the yard and look in the living room windows to tell us they are hungry.
do you happen to use an incubator ? Im looking for soneone to incubate 12 eggs for me. Will pay also 50 dollars :) I want my chicks to hatch, and my new broody I have not tried yet, but worry she will like my last broody eat the eggs. I will put a few under her but the rest I want in an incubator !
do you happen to use an incubator ? Im looking for soneone to incubate 12 eggs for me. Will pay also 50 dollars
I want my chicks to hatch, and my new broody I have not tried yet, but worry she will like my last broody eat the eggs. I will put a few under her but the rest I want in an incubator !
Where are you? I will be firing up my incubator next week and will most likely have some space. I am in the Mission Valley. I can't guarantee anything as far as hatch rate since there are so many variables though.
do you happen to use an incubator ? Im looking for soneone to incubate 12 eggs for me. Will pay also 50 dollars :) I want my chicks to hatch, and my new broody I have not tried yet, but worry she will like my last broody eat the eggs. I will put a few under her but the rest I want in an incubator !

Sorry just read up a bit and saw you are in Butte. Probably too far to be useful!
Just thought I would post some pics of my new chicks and cockerel. I got 8 BA's because they were the best survivors out of my original mixed flock. Of our 4 original BA's, three managed to avoid being eaten by the fox! The only other surviving hen was a green egg-laying EE. Among the new birds, you will see a Speckled Sussex, "Speckles", that is a sweet bird, and the friendliest of the bunch. My favorite is "Bernie", our first Light Brahma. She is a beaut! The rooster, "Rascal" is an Easter Egger and seems to be a good one so far. Not crowing yet but I expect to hear him try any day now. The white one, "Snowy" is a White Plymouth Rock, and she is strikingly white. The red one is "Scarlet", a New Hamshire Red. The black ones, we have not named because we can't tell them apart! Introducing them to free range every evening now. The old hens boss the young ones around still, but the young ones have learned to avoid them. The hens are 2 years 3 months old now, and the young ones, about 15 weeks. They have been on All Flock feed since 11 weeks, along with the laying hens. Will switch to Layer Feed at about the 20 week point. Hoping for our first tiny eggs towards the end of July!

My chickens are almost 3 months old. They have an enclosed run with their coop above, accessible with a ramp. The problem is, is that they won't go up the ramp at bedtime. After free ranging, they just lay down in the run below. I don't remember going through this with my previous chickens. I tried for about a week, just putting them up myself...and while they would stay, only two of them ever went up on their own. They are protected in the run, but a raccoon could stick it's mitts in and maybe reach one, since they like to bed down in the corner.
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Hi, my name is Rae... I'm very new to this site... I live in Big Timber, and we just finished our hen house we had to build it really good because we live in the mountains and we have every preditor you can name... we have not started the run yet... but soon we'll be working on it....
I have 14 Australorps and 10 of them are 4 weeks and 4 are 7 weeks... they are so gentle so far... I am hoping to add a few Morans (sp) next spring... Anybody have any of these kind of chickens??

Do you think the little ones would get out of a chain link fence? We have this dog kennel that we never use... I was thinking about moving it over to the hen house so they could come out during the day.... just until we get the run built...
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