
Legbars ( gold crele and cream) and black silver and blue silver marans.
I did loose a rooster to the cold yesterday. I turned the chicken bucket into a warm mash bucket by boiling a bag of frozen corn and dumping it over the scrap contents and pouring that out for the girls. They loved it. I'm lucky not to have a cistern being close enough to be on Lockwood water, but the septic system does slow down a little this time of year for sure. Frost line here is 6 feet I think. Another plus for basements. This old house has other problems, though. Should be rewired...
I’m sorry you lost a roo... what a shame.

I work for a company that cleans up the groundwater by the old Brenntag Chemical distribution site. If you’re in the Lockwood Controlled Groundwater Area, you’ll be getting a flyer in the mail about an online EPA meeting on the 23rd to discuss the site cleanup updates.
Ooh no!! That’s what I was so paranoid about this week. My GLW looks like she might have frostbite on a toe, but maybe it’s dirt... I don’t want to have to cull any.
You'll notice it's frostbite. The toe will either shrivel up and fall off or the whole foot will get blisters and swollen. My pullet decided to go the swollen route
I lost most of my legbar combs in this cold snap for sure....😓😭
Legbars ( gold crele and cream) and black silver and blue silver marans.View attachment 2531142
This is what I want, but my husband is like “Chickens are like dogs, we can’t just go on vacation without setting up a caretaker first. That’s why we don’t have dogs.” He uses the dog analogy because like chickens, I want a dog, and he doesn’t.
And I’m like “But... chickens! They make me happy, and we need to replenish our stock since they will turn two in March and egg production will drop.”
He responds “What if we move and can’t take them with us? Who will take them? No one wants old chickens.”
Which is a valid point, but still... I want chickens!
I am working on him bit by bit because ever since last year when I found out you’re local and have breeds I want, I’ve been chomping at the bit to get some from you!
But my husband has valid arguments against more chickens. My only argument for them is that I want more. I’ve even tried to enlist my four-year-old and MIL to convince him we should get more.

Any tips on a good argument for why I need at least three more chicks? I’ve told him yours lay colors we don’t currently have in our flock, but maybe I should just show him pictures of what the eggs could look like, to encourage him to consider adding to the flock.

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