
Laura I just checked out your pics! Wow, those are some lucky birds. The wind didn't get us too bad, but there were some trees blown over in town. My egg customers had an old very tall pine tree that uprooted, taking the deck right off the side of the house.

Princess and Twisted it is great to know there are other BYCers that close too me. Twisted my BIL is in the AirForce and lives there in GFs too. Small world huh!?!
Where about in MN? I agree, I like having more rain than what we get here. There is a big difference I see already between GF and Craig. Craig is at a higher altitude and it far wetter and cooler than GF. Me likey!
St. Paul, The place we're trying to get is right next to Sun River, so the humidity from that is quite nice. I do miss the storms. We were looking at a few places in Cascade, but we just cant do the whole off the grid thing.
My family was from Winona!
How far is the Sun River place from the airport? Down on Sun Prairie road? Cascade was one place we looked at too. The place we tried for a few years ago was 14 miles off the hwy, back in the woods. There would be no way to bus the kids because of the roads being so bad. They wouldn't even try! So we decided to home school! Even though we did not make it out there, we are still home schooling.

If you are ever interested in meeting up and visiting the llamas, send me a PM and let me know!
Looks like Sun River RD connects right to McIver, so about 12 miles from the airport. Would love to meet up and say hi to the llamas! MY BF is posting out to the missle fields in a week meaning I'll be left alone for 4 days at a time meaning I'll probably enjoy company now and then. Kind of busy still working on this house, but if everything works out we close the end of june.
I know the general area your talking about. We're not far, up in the West Hill area. We're hoping to clear out of this house by Fall. A friend of ours use to be out at the missile field too. That can be a rough schedule for couples. Good luck with the house! I'll PM you our #, give a call when you'll have time!
Princess, when my DH and I first moved into our house in Potomac it was off the grid (not intentionally). No electricity and only one outside water pump. Oh, and BTW no exterior doors. Still under construction and had to move in. It went fine untill one morning I went out to use the privey and discovered mountain lion tracks just outside the front door opening. Yikes! We got doors that day, but it was another six weeks befor we had all house electric and indoor running water. I admire you for wanting to live in Montana and be off the grid. Keep us posted on how it's going.
Holy smokes!
That would be a 10 on the sphincter scale! ((shudder)) Out at our place there have been black bear and bob cat. No mt lions that anyone who have been there for decades can recall. Not to say it could never happen. The normal visitors of skunk, coyote, porcupine and such. Loads of deer and Pronghorn. The llamas have become use to the deer here. I think they consider them ugly, down and out long lost relatives...though llamas are in the camel family. They use to chase them off the pasture, then I found them tolerating the deer feeding at one end while the llamas ate at the other.
I do really hope we can get it together and actually get going on it. The well pipe busted a few days ago and the $ is getting weak. So it'll be a matter of digging down, going without and finding that pioneer "can do" attitude that forged this great country....and invented the pet rock...

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