
It does seem to be trying very hard for spring weather. We had an incredibly gorgeous morning but then the cold wind blew some small snow flakes down off the mountains. It didn't last too long though and the day ended delightfully mild weathered...... we may be nearing the end of winter everybody!!!
I took advantage of the low egg output from my flock of late and dewormed everyone. I'll have to throw out all eggs layed for the next two weeks, but feel a whole lot better about tossing the 4-6 eggs a day that I have been getting than I felt the last time I medicated the flock and had to throw out about three dozen eggs a day for two weeks - that was painful!

Come on spring - you can do it!!
Got up to 50 degrees today. Snow is starting to melt and run.

Lost my last guinea just before this weather got warmer. Lost 1 rooster, he was droopy and we let them out to enjoy the sun and fresh air. He was just sitting there and then he was over on the snow bank and was gone.
Poor guy almost made it til spring.
Lost 5 this year. winter was just too long. *sigh*
Putting rocks in my pockets today. That wind is just plain nasty.
Lots of flooding going on. Heard they got some roads in our western part of the county closed due to flooding.
That is the snow melting. Had a quick little spit and miss shower a few days ago, but really no rain yet.
Suppose to rain here tonight too.
Glad the wind finally went down.
Hey fellow Montanans!

I'm thinking about getting some chicks from quality supply. The one here in Missoula looks like it's getting in quite a good variety this year, but the lady I talked to today didn't know which hatchery they get them from. She thinks it's somewhere in Idaho. Any ideas?

Also, if you've gotten birds there before, are they good quality?

I think I remember that they got last year's chicks from Dunlap hatchery. I caved when I was up there last season and bought a bunch of Silver laced Wyandottes and one "Ameraucana" pullet (though she is absolutely an Easter Egger in reality). The Wyandottes have grown into the worst birds I have ever owned. Weak, small, lazy, worthless. I won't let them anywhere near my breeding roosters but I can't sell them because I don't want anyone thinking that I produce birds like that.
On the other hand, the easter egger pullet that I brought home has grown into a gorgeous bird. Excellent health and a very, very, very smart girl. I am introducing her into my Easter Egger line this year. She will be the first and only hatchery bird to ever be allowed in. I simply adore that bird.
Thanks for the info! I went in there today and honestly would've bought a couple SLWs had I not been armed with your advice.

I'm impressed by your website - and your selection of happy chickens! I'm looking to add a few more hens to my flock. How long into the season do you offer chicks? Are any of your adults/pullets for sale?

Specifically, I'm interested in your marans and araucanas. Do you offer any wyandottes? (edit)

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