
skillswife only half of Roundup is underwater the other half is high enough to be dry. Friend of mine that lives near there posted pics. It is mainly the south and southwest side affected.
Sisters inlaws over in Ryegate were evacuated.
It is pretty much all over.
I'm waiting for the Mighty MO to jump the banks.
Thanks for the update, the article I read said the entire town, lol. Gotta love news reporting! Still its quite devastating! Hopefully for you the MO stays put!
The town of Musselshell is almost 100% flooded that might be the town they were talking about.
So much flooding going on all over it is hard to believe.
I'm just south & west of Roundup, I'm lucky, my house and barns are up on high ground. My back pasture is flooded, and I can't get to my horses, I know they have alot of high ground so should be OK, but I have one due to foal anytime and I would like to get her home. I've been helping friends move their cattle out of low pastures and up into the hills, we had to put several calves up over the saddles as the horses were going through belly deep water. This is just crazy, I've never seen this much water around here.
Oh I saw your web page your famr is awesome. I wish we had land, your goats are adorable!!! I would love to stop by some day on my way to missoula ! Wish I had known about the buffs before I got mine, would have saved all the work raising my chicks LOL. Next year maybe I can get some eggs from you and hatch them
if you sell them. I really want a silkie!
Been dreading this, went into our present houses basement. Northend is under water, luckily it is lower then the rest of the basement so the water is staying there for now.
Hope it doesn't cross the edge then it will be a huge mess.
Hope others are doing alright.

Azriel where are you at south of Roundup? We have friends that are a few miles south on the highway towards Billings. they are on the west side of the highway. If you ever saw an old restored Model A Ford driving around that is them.
Oh I saw your web page your famr is awesome. I wish we had land, your goats are adorable!!! I would love to stop by some day on my way to missoula ! Wish I had known about the buffs before I got mine, would have saved all the work raising my chicks LOL. Next year maybe I can get some eggs from you and hatch them
if you sell them. I really want a silkie!

Dillon is an hour south of Butte so it would be the long way to go to Missoula;) Not sure what we will be doing with eggs, depends on what we end up for sure with roosters.
STILL raining. We are no where near a water source so I am grateful but concerend about all of those that are.
Our fields are full of water and starting to resemble a lake. Buildings that have never showed signs of a leak are doing it now. Both of my chicken runs are small smelly ponds with ticked off wet chickens in them. I feel like my garden will never get planted. Regardless we have one weekend to take my son camping before he leaves for the summer, so we are headed to Glacier Park this up coming weekend, even if we have to row our boat to get there!
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Was talking with DH about what I am going to plant in our garden when it finally dries out. Have gotten over 3 inches of rain out of this last storm.
This rain has ruined my brooder house. It was not in the best of shape when we got it several years ago. I checked my young birds today and the whole thing is wrecked.
Gotta figure out what I am going to do with my chickens in it. Going to get a new shed this fall, but gotta do something now.
Hello ya'll hailing from Libby! Moved here 3rd of May and am new to the whole chicken scene and am just loving it! Anyone live around here? I've got 5 chicks~3 Buff Orpingtons, 1 RIR, and 1 BBPR. If you want to see them, there are a few pics on my starting page. We've just put in a garden this last weekend, and it's doing pretty well. Luckily, we haven't experienced too much flooding where I am, the river is high but nothing to really worry about. Today's pretty much the sunniest day I've seen in three days, other than that it's been cool and spiting rain.
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